Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

3.1.8 Code of Conduct and Ethics

Groupe Code of Conduct and Ethics

The Groupe has a set of rules governing its behavior and ethics under the name “Janus.” It is applicable to all of the Groupe’s hierarchical levels and sets out the rules of conduct for operations: “The Publicis way to behave and to operate.” It is regularly updated, circulated across all networks and is available in seven languages.

Janus includes the rules and principles related to ethics, corporate social responsibility, compliance with regulatory and legal frameworks, governance, communication, conducting business and client relations, human resource management, protecting the Groupe’s brand names, intellectual property and financial and accounting management, as well as rules governing mergers and acquisitions, investments, restructuring and purchasing policies.

The guidelines include a Code of Conduct and Ethics applying to all Groupe employees with specific rules for members of the Management Board and other main executives. The values embodied by Publicis are clearly outlined there, starting with respect for individuals and their diversity.

The aim of these rules of conduct is to provide the Groupe with strict rules and procedures for running our business worldwide in all fields: human management, business ethics, financial management, individual responsibility. This includes encouraging diversity and preventing discriminatory conduct. They are meant to prevent any illegal activity, in particular by ensuring that Groupe employees comply with laws and regulations in carrying out the Groupe’s business. The Groupe’s rules of conduct are also meant to prevent favoritism, misappropriation of funds, breach of trust, corruption, conflicts of interest or other misconduct and subject the Groupe and its employees to the highest standards in terms of integrity, ethics and compliance. They are designed to protect the Groupe’s data and know‑how by establishing strict guidelines regarding confidentiality and good faith. They establish procedures for control and reporting by management of the Groupe and of the various networks of any breach of these policy rules. The policies have also been made public.

A new version of this Code was published on May 25, 2022. Regular updates are planned (once or twice a year). The last update was made in February 2024.

This Code is available on the Groupe’s website (www.publicisgroupe.com) in the “Corporate Social Responsibility” section, under “Library” then “Code of Conduct and Ethics.”

The Groupe undertakes to provide a copy of its Code of Conduct and Ethics free of charge to any person upon request. A request may be made directly to the Groupe’s Legal Department by telephone at +33 (0)1 44 43 70 00 or by mail to 133, avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France.

Stock market ethics

Janus provides detailed rules on stock market ethics in a specific chapter.

The Groupe’s objective is to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations in force, as well as the recommendations issued by the AMF, in the area of risk management related to the holding, disclosure or possible use of insider information.

The purpose of the code is to:

  • define insider information and the related general rules of its use;
  • determine the specific rules applicable to persons holding insider information;
  • specify the administrative and/or criminal penalties applicable to a breach of the obligations related to holding insider information; and
  • detail the preventive measures.

These rules apply to any employee or executive corporate officer of the Company who has insider information, to their spouses and children, as well as to any person living in their household, until the information is publicly disclosed.

In addition, the Groupe has drawn up a list of employees and executive corporate officers with regular or occasional access to insider information and has set blackout periods during which these persons, and persons closely related to them, are prohibited from, on their own behalf or on behalf of the account of a third party, directly or indirectly, any transaction involving the Company’s securities, derivatives or other related financial instruments (unless authorized by the Company, pursuant to the regulations in force). This specific chapter is regularly reviewed to adapt to legislative and regulatory changes and to take into account the recommendations of the AMF.