Universal Registration Document 2023

Value creation

Value creation



  • Marcel, at the heart of employee training and career paths
  • Employee well-being, physical and mental health prevention
  • Advocacy deployment Working With Cancer
  • 45% women on the Supervisory Board
  • 43% women among key management
  • 43.8% women in senior roles
  • 88% of employees received training
  • euro 8,514 million in personnel costs
  • Women's Forum: 1,500 participants in Paris and 10,000 online
Logo WOMEN'S FORUM for The Economy & Society.
3 good health and well-being.4 quality education.5 gender equality.8 decent work and economic growth.


  • Client satisfaction at the heart of the Power of One
  • Responsible Marketing
  • In-depth expertise
  • Investments in applications R&D
  • Partnerships with start-ups
  • Supplier CSR assessment
  • 46,000 talents in data, tech, engineering and media
  • A.L.I.C.E.(2): carbon footprint measurement of campaigns and for +250 clients/brands
  • Active member of several Unstereotype Alliance coalitions (UN Women), GARM (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) founder of Once For All Coalition
  • 71% of the Groupe’s strategic suppliers in compliance with the VMP(3); +105 new local suppliers self-assessed in P.A.S.S(4)
  • VivaTech: 130,000 participants in Paris and 11,000 start-ups
logo VIVA technology.
8 decent work and economic growth.12 responsible consumption and production.


Best financial indicators in the sector

  • euro 14.8 billion in revenue
  • euro 13.1 billion in net revenue
  • euro 2,363 million operating margin
  • euro 1,767 million in headline net income(5)
  • euro 1.8 billion in Free Cash Flow(6) (before change in working capital requirements)
  • euro 3.40 dividend per share(7)
16 peace, justice and strong institutions.


  • Presence in 100 countries
  • 640 pro bono campaigns & volunteer work
  • Fight for social justice
  • euro 669 million in taxes paid in 2023
  • euro 48.3 million in value of societal activities (pro bono, volunteering)
  • USD 30 million invested to support minority media
8 decent work and economic growth.10 reduced inequalities.17 partenerships for the goals.


  • SBTI objectives: 1.5° C scenario for 2030: 50% reduction in scopes 1, 2 and 3(8)
  • Net Zero in 2040
  • Reducing the impact of campaigns & digital solutions
  • Carbon intensity in 2023: 2.1 TeqC02 per capita (-29.7% since 2019)
  • Carbon neutrality on Scopes 1 & 2 (after purchases of RECs/G0s & VCCs)(9)
  • Renewable energy(10): directly sourced
  • A.L.I.C.E proprietary carbon calculator applicable to all Groupe activities
  • Active member of Ad Net Zero sector initiative to align carbon emissions calculations
13 climate action.