Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

Strategy and Risk Committee

Composition of the Strategy and Risk Committee as of the date of this document

The Strategy and Risk Committee is composed of a majority of independent members and is chaired by Mrs. Marie‑Josée Kravis.

SITUATION IN 2023 not-included Personal information  not-included  not-included  not-included
 Name Age(1) Gender Nationality Independent member(2) Year(s) on the Board Attendance
7members(3) Marie‑Josée Kravis  (Chair) 74 F American Yes 13 100%
2Meetings  Maurice Lévy 81 M French No 6 100%
67 % of independent members  Simon Badinter 55 M French and American No 24 50%
93 % attendance  Thomas H. Glocer 64 M American Yes 7 100%
33 %women  Antonella Mei‑Pochtler 65 F Italian Yes 4 100%
67 %men  Tidjane Thiam 61 M French and Ivorian Yes 1 100%
 not-included Pierre Pénicaud (Member representing  employees) 60 M French n/a 6 100%

No changes occurred in the composition of the Strategy and Risk Committee in 2023.

Main missions and activities in 2023

The missions of the Strategy and Risk Committee are detailed in article 9 of the Supervisory Board’s internal rules and regulations. The missions of the Strategy and Risk Committee and the main work completed in 2023 are as follows:

Missions Main work completed in 2023


  • Examine the risks to which the Company is exposed and the policies and corrective measures to control and mitigate them;
  • examine the Groupe’s Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) strategy and the options selected to implement this strategy; and
  • study the major strategic and development options open to the Groupe and decide on their implementationin the event of transactions that could affect the Groupe's strategy as a whole, and report to the Supervisory Board with comments.

Main work completed in 2023

  • Review of the Groupe’s strategy with regard to the global macroeconomic situation;
  • study of the Groupe’s new boundaries, its geographic allocation and discussion on Publicis’ identity;
  • review of the Groupe’s risk mapping and quantification of cybersecurity risks;
  • regular review of talent risk and return to office;in‑depth reflection on the risks and opportunities related to the use of Artificial Intelligence;
  • review of ESG risk mapping; and
  • information on the implementation of the Groupe Duty of Care Plan and European regulatory changes on the duty of care.