Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

Compensation Committee
Composition of the Compensation Committee as of the date of this document

Pursuant to article 19.1 of the Afep‑Medef Code, the Compensation Committee does not include any executive corporate officers. It is mainly composed of independent members. Following the recommendations of the Afep‑Medef Code, Mr. André Kudelski, Chair of this committee, is independent and Mrs. Patricia Velay‑Borrini, member representing employees, is a member of the Compensation Committee.

SITUATION IN 2023 non-inclus Personal information not-included not-included not-included
 Name Age(1) Gender Nationality Independent member(2) Year(s) on the Board Attendance
5 Members (3) André Kudelski  (Chair) 63 M Swiss Yes 7 100%
5Meetings   Maurice Lévy 81 M French No 6 100%
75 % of independent members  Thomas H. Glocer 64 M American Yes 7 100%
100 %attendance  Antonella Mei‑Pochtler 65 F Italian Yes 4 100%
25 % women Patricia Velay‑Borrini (Member representing  employees) 55 F French n/a 3 100%
75 % men
  1. As of December 31, 2023.
  2. With regard to the independence criteria set out in the Afep‑Medef Code.
  3. Including one member representing employees.

M: male - F: female n/a: not applicable

It is specified that Mr. Michel Cicurel assists the Committee as a standing expert. No changes occurred in the composition of the Compensation Committee in 2023.