Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

These internal rules and regulations are regularly reviewed to adapt to legislative and regulatory changes and to take into account the recommendations of the AMF and the Afep‑Medef Code. In this sense, it was updated at the Board meeting of September 13, 2023.

The full text of the Supervisory Board’s internal rules and regulations is available with each update on the Publicis Groupe website. The current version is available at the following address: https://www.publicisgroupe.com/en/investors/ investors‑analysts/regulatory‑information Operation of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board meets as often as is necessary and its meetings are called by the Chairman or, in his absence, the Vice‑Chair, with a minimum of four meetings per year, one of which is to approve the annual financial statements. The meetings are held in French. Simultaneous interpretation into English is available. In order to facilitate participation by members, particularly those who live overseas, the Supervisory Board has included provisions in its internal rules and regulations to allow members to participate in Supervisory Board meetings by video‑conference or other mode of telecommunication, in accordance with the law and regulations in force. Prior to meetings, the Management Board provides the members of the Supervisory Board with the documents and information needed for the performance of their duties. The documents required to examine the items on the agenda are sent to members of the Supervisory Board a few days in advance.

When reviewing the quarterly and half‑yearly financial statements, the Supervisory Board reviews the Management Board’s management report on the Groupe’s activities, key figures, the macroeconomic environment, the Groupe’s CSR policy, corporate acquisitions and disposals, the financial position and results of the Groupe and of the Company, along with future prospects, and provides its comments.

Outside of Supervisory Board meetings, the Management Board provides the Supervisory Board with all relevant information concerning the Company and the Groupe if the importance or urgency of the information so requires.

The Supervisory Board may invite the members of the Management Board to its meetings. In any event, deliberations on the compensation of the members and the Chairman of the Management Board take place without their presence. Meetings may be organized at the initiative of the Chairman of the Board and, where applicable, at the request of the members of the Supervisory Board, with Groupe executives, in particular to review the strategic action plans put in place.

To prevent insider trading, the Management Board established rules regulating the conduct of the Groupe’s insiders, defining the periods in which trading in Company shares is permitted, which also applies to members of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board met seven times in 2023.