Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR


  • Member of the Supervisory Board representing employees
  • Member of the Strategy and Risk Committee

Born on December 28, 1963, of French nationality

First appointment: June 20, 2017

Expiry of term of office:  June 14, 2025

Number of shares held: 0

Publicis Conseil

133, avenue des Champs-Élysées

75008 Paris



Pierre Pénicaud obtained a diploma in Applied Arts from École Estienne and joined Publicis Conseil in 1989 as an assistant in the Art Department. He became Artistic Director in 1994 and started the "L’Esprit Bière" saga for Heineken, which he would go on to develop over 13 years. He has worked on campaigns for Dim, Perrier, Renault, PMU, Nescafé and more recently for Orange, BNP, Sanofi, Engie and the SEB group. In 2011, he was elected full member of the Works Council and appointed Secretary of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT). He is currently Deputy Secretary of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE), Secretary of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission (CSSCT) and appointed harassment officer.

Other offices and positions held within the Groupe

Senior Artistic Director: Publicis Conseil SA (France)

Main offices and positions held outside the Groupe


Offices held outside the Groupe in the last five years



  • Member of the Supervisory Board representing employees
  • Member of the Compensation Committee
  • Member of the ESG Committee

Born on November 16, 1968, of French nationality

First appointment: October 16, 2020

Expiry of term of office: October 15, 2024

Number of shares held: 50

Publicis Media France

17/19 rue Bréguet and 30/34 rue du Chemin Vert

75008 Paris



Patricia Velay‑Borrini rejoint l’agence Saatchi & Saatchi en 1988, en tant qu’assistante du Directeur du Développement puis du Président de l’agence. En 1993, elle devient assistante du Président au sein de Zenith Media, agence media de Saatchi & Saatchi. En 2002, à la suite de la fusion de Zenith Media et Optimedia, agence media de Publicis, pour créer ZenithOptimedia, elle devient assistante du Président et obtient son premier mandat au Comité d’entreprise. Elle est actuellement assistante de Gautier Picquet, Président de Publicis Media France et COO de Publicis Groupe France. Elle est également membre du Comité social et économique et référente harcèlement pour Publicis Media France.

Other offices and positions held within the Groupe

Executive Assistant to the Chair of Publicis Media France and COO of Publicis Groupe France

Main offices and positions held outside the Groupe


Offices held outside the Groupe in the last five years
