Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR


  • Independent member of the Supervisory Board
  • Chair of the ESG Committee
  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Member of the Nominating Committee

Born on November 17, 1969, of American nationality

First appointment: May 29, 2019

Expiry of term of office:

2027 Annual Ordinary General

Shareholders’ Meeting

Number of shares held: 537

1535 9th Avenue West

WA 98119 Seattle

United States


Suzan LeVine is currently a Policy Mentor at Brown University and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Washington. She previously served as Acting Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration in 2021. She previously served as Commissioner for the Washington State Employment Security Department from 2018 to 2021. She was US Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein from 2014 to 2017. Her experience in the public sector has enabled her to leverage her technological expertise and executive experiences as Director of Communications and Student Partnerships at Microsoft, and as Vice‑President of Sales and Marketing for luxury travel at Expedia.

In addition to her duties on the Supervisory Board of Publicis Groupe SA, Suzan LeVine sits on the US Advisory Board of OpenClassrooms and Syndio Inc and on the non‑profit Boards of Directors of CareerWise USA, Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL) and the Thomas Jefferson foundation, organizations with impact on workforce development, civic engagement, equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion. She also co‑founded two non‑profits: the Kavana Cooperative and an Advisory Board for ILABS (Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences) at the University of Washington.

She graduated from Brown University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering specialized in aerospace applications and holds an honorary doctorate from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Other offices and positions held within the Groupe


Main offices and positions held outside the Groupe
  • Director: CareerWise USA (United States), Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL) (United States)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee: Syndio (United States)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee: OpenClassrooms SAS (France)
  • Trustee of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (United States)
  • Policy Mentor: Brown University (United States)
  • Lecturer: University of Washington (United States)
Offices held outside the Groupe in the last five years

Offices listed above as well as the following offices:

  • Deputy Secretary: Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor (term ended in 2021)
  • Commissioner at the Department of Employment Security for the State of Washington (United States) (term ended in 2021)
  • Chair‑Elect: The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) (United States) (term ended in 2021)
  • Director: CareerWise Colorado (United States) (term ended in 2021), The American‑Swiss Foundation (United States) (term ended in 2021)
  • Member of The Career Connect Task Force (United States) (term ended in 2021), Markle Foundation’s Rework America Task Force (United States) (term ended in 2021)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of the CEMETS (Center on the Economics and Management of Education and Training) of the ETH University of Zurich (Switzerland) (term ended in 2021)