Universal Registration Document 2023

10. Additional Information

Elements likely to be relevant in the event of a public offer

not-included Page number Chapter
Structure of the Company’s share capital 152; 388 - 392;392 - 399




Limitations in the Articles of Incorporation on the exercise of voting rights and transfer of shares or clauses in agreements brought to the attention of the Company in application of article L. 233‑11 of the French Commercial Code not-included NA
Direct or indirect ownership of the Company’s share capital of which it is aware, pursuant to article L. 2337 of the French Commercial Code 388 - 391 8.2.1
List of holders of securities with special rights of control and a description of these rights not-included NA
Control mechanisms in a potential employee shareholding system, when controlling rights are not exercised by employees not-included NA
Agreements between shareholders of which the Company is aware and which might hinder the transfer of shares and the exercise of voting rights not-included NA
Rules applicable to the appointment and replacement of members of the Management Board as well as changes made to the Articles of Incorporation


89 - 93; 386 - 388



Powers of the Management Board, in particular regarding the issuance or buyback of shares

94 - 95;

386 - 388;

392 - 394;

395 - 397;




Agreements concluded by the Company which are modified or come to an end in the event of a change of control 392 8.2.3
Any agreements between the Company and members of the Management Board or employees providing for compensation if they resign or are dismissed without real or serious cause, or if their employment ends because of a public offering 392 8.2.3

Observations of the Statutory Auditors

not-included Page number Chapter
Report by the Statutory Auditors on the corporate governance report 379 - 384 7.6