Universal Registration Document 2023

10. Additional Information

Company information and capital structure

not-included Page number Chapter
Transactions in the Company’s shares by managers and related persons 154 3.3.4
Details of purchases and sales of treasury shares during the financial year  395 - 397


Any adjustments for securities giving access to the share capital or stock options  371

7.4 (note 20.1.1)

Major shareholders and treasury shares 388 - 391


Employee shareholding

338 - 341

371 - 375;


6.6 (note 32);

7.4 (note 20.1.1);


Notice given to another joint‑stock company that the Company owns over 10% of its share capital not-included NA
Disposal of shares carried out in order to rectify any situation of reciprocal shareholding not-included NA
Injunctions or financial penalties for anti‑competitive practices imposed by the Competition Authority and prescribed by the latter, as an additional measure, inclusion in the management report not-included NA

Elements relating to the financial statements

not-included Page number Chapter
Company’s results over the past five years 378


Information on supplier and customer payment terms: number and total amount of outstanding invoices received and issued 275 - 277


Amount of loans granted in accordance with article L. 511‑6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code not-included NA