Universal Registration Document 2023

8. Company Information and Capital Structure

Rights attached to each share (article 8 of the Articles of Incorporation)

With regard to ownership of corporate assets and the sharing of profit, each share shall entitle its owner to an amount proportionate to the number of existing shares. The shareholders may be held liable, even with regards to third parties only up to the value of the shares that they hold. When it is necessary to hold several shares to exercise any right, shareholders must be personally responsible for consolidating the required number of shares.

Threshold crossing disclosure (article 7 III of the Articles of Incorporation)

Any person or entity, acting alone or not, who holds or will hold, a portion greater than or equal to 1% of the share capital or voting rights, or any multiple of such percentage, must inform the Company of the total number of shares and voting rights held by such person or entity, as well as any securities giving access to the share capital and voting rights that may be attached thereto.

Powers of the Management Board with respect to share buybacks (article 7 IV of the Articles of Incorporation)

The Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting may authorize the Management Board to purchase a fixed number of Company shares in order to cancel them via a reduction of capital in accordance with article L. 225‑206 of the French Commercial Code.

In addition, the Company may acquire its own shares in accordance with the provisions of article L. 22‑10‑62 of the French Commercial Code.

General Shareholders’ Meetings (article 19 of the Articles of Incorporation)

The General Shareholders’ Meeting is composed of all shareholders, regardless of the number of shares they own. The meetings are convened under the conditions prescribed by law. Meetings are held at the Company’s registered office or at any other location specified in the notice of meeting and determined by the convener. If so decided by the Management Board when calling the meeting, the meeting may be publicly broadcasted by video conferencing or any other means of telecommunication, including over the Internet.

Representation and admission to General Shareholders’ Meetings (article 20 of the Articles of Incorporation)

Any shareholder may participate, personally or through an authorized representative, in General Shareholders’ Meetings, justifying his/her identity and his/her ownership of the securities, under the conditions provided for by the law.

Any shareholder may, if so permitted by the Management Board when calling the General Shareholders’ Meeting, participate in the meeting by videoconferencing or any other means of telecommunication, including over the Internet, subject to applicable laws and regulations. Any such shareholder is deemed present for the purposes of calculating the quorum and majority.

Voting rights (article 21 (5) to (8) of the Articles of Incorporation)

Each member of the Meeting shall have as many votes as he or she owns or represents shares, without restriction. However, in accordance with a resolution approved at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on September 14, 1968, shares registered with the same shareholder for at least two years or which have only been transferred during that period from one registered owner to another within the framework of an intestate estate, of testamentary succession, of division of community of property between spouses, of donation inter vivos for the benefit of a spouse or a relative entitled to inherit, are entitled to double voting rights. The Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting has the possibility to purely and simply cancel the double voting right. However, this cancellation will only become effective after the approval of a special meeting of shareholders who hold double voting right shares.

In the event of the division of ownership of Company shares, the limited owners and bare owners of shares can freely distribute voting rights at Extraordinary or Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings provided they notify the Company beforehand, by providing a certified copy of their agreement at least twenty calendar days before the first General Shareholders’ Meeting is held following the above mentioned ownership division by registered mail. Failing notification within this period, the distribution will be implemented ipso jure in accordance with article L. 225‑110, paragraph 1, of the French Commercial Code.

Any shareholder may vote by post in accordance with and in the manner provided for in laws and regulations in force. When so decided by the Management Board, and indicated in the meeting notice published in the BALO (Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires), shareholders may vote by any means of telecommunication or remote transmission, including over the Internet, subject to the laws and regulations prevailing as of the time such means are used.

Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation (article 23 of the Articles of Incorporation)

An Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting may amend the Articles of Incorporation, in all their provisions, regardless of what they are, as authorized by law. It may, in particular and without the following list being construed in a limited way, decide to modify the share capital by: increasing or reducing the share capital, consolidating shares or dividing shares into shares with a lower par value.