Universal Registration Document 2023

8.1 Information about the Company

8. Company Information and Capital Structure

8.1 Information about the Company


8.1.1 Company name and trading name

Publicis Groupe SA (the “Company”) does business under the trade name Publicis.

8.1.2 Registration place and number, legal entity identifier (LEI)

542 080 601 RCS Paris; APE code – NAF 7010Z; LEI number: 2138004KW8BV57III342.

8.1.3 Date of incorporation and term

Incorporation date: October 4, 1938. Term: October 3, 2037, unless extended.

8.1.4 Registered office, legal structure, applicable legislation, country of origin, address and telephone number of registered office, website

Publicis Groupe SA is a French limited liability Company (société anonyme) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, governed by articles L. 225‑57 to L. 225‑93 and L. 22‑10‑1 to L. 22‑10‑78 of the French Commercial Code. The Company’s registered office is located at 133, avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France. Publicis Groupe’s registered office phone number is +33 (0) 1 44 43 70 00. The Publicis Groupe SA website can be accessed at the following address: www.publicisgroupe.com. The information on this website does not form part of this Universal Registration Document, unless incorporated by reference.

8.1.5 Financial year

From January 1 to December 31 of each year.

8.1.6 Memorandum of Incorporation and Articles of Incorporation

Corporate purpose (article 2 of the Articles of Incorporation)

The Company’s corporate purpose is to:

  • commercialize and develop advertising of any kind in all its forms, in any way whatsoever;
  • organize any shows and radio and television broadcasts, design any radio, television and other types of programs, operate any movie theatres, recording and broadcasting studios, and any screening and viewing rooms, paper publishing of any nature and mechanical publishing of any music, sketches, screenplays and dramas; and
  • generally speaking, all commercial, financial, real estate, industrial and movable transactions directly or indirectly related to the foregoing and likely to facilitate the development and growth of its corporate business.

The Company may act in all countries in its name and on behalf of third parties, either alone or in partnership, association or company, with any other companies or persons and implement under any form whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, the transactions falling within its corporate purpose.

It may also acquire, under any form, any interests and holdings in any French or foreign businesses and undertakings, whatever their purpose.

Management Board (articles 10 to 12 of the Articles of Incorporation)

The Management Board shall ensure the Company's collegial management. It is vested with the broadest powers to act on the Company’s behalf in all circumstances. These powers may only be exercised within the limit of the corporate purpose and subject to the powers that are by law reserved for the Supervisory Board and Shareholders’ Meetings. The Management Board is appointed by the Supervisory Board and is comprised of at least two but no more than seven members, who may or may not be shareholders. Each member is appointed for a period of four years and must be a natural person. Its members may be re‑appointed. The terms of office of each member of the Management Board ends at the Annual Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting following their 75 th birthday. The Supervisory Board appoints one of the members of the Management Board as Chair and may appoint one, several or all the other members of the Management Board as Chief Executive Officer(s).

The members of the Management Board may be dismissed either by the Supervisory Board or by a General Shareholders’ Meeting.