Universal Registration Document 2023

6. Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 Year - AFR

/ Analysis of lease liabilities
unspecified unspecified unspecified Changes excl. cash outflows unspecified
(in millions of euros) December 31, 2022 Cash outflows (1) Offset under right‑of‑use assets Short‑term – long‑term reclassification Effect of translation and others December 31, 2023
Lease liabilities – short‑term 360 (353) - 354 (1) 360
Lease liabilities – long‑term 2,197 - 195 (354) (46) 1,992
Total lease liabilities 2,557 (353) 195 - (47) 2,352
unspecified unspecified unspecified Changes excl. cash outflows unspecified
(in millions of euros) December 31, 2021 Cash outflows(1) Offset under right‑of‑use assets Short‑term – long‑term reclassification Effect of translation and others December 31, 2022
Lease liabilities – short‑term 288 (339) 1 416 (6) 360
Lease liabilities – long‑term 1,801 - 750 (416) 62 2,197
Total lease liabilities 2,089 (339) 751 - 56 2,557
Expenses relating to variable lease payments not taken into account in the measurement of the lease obligation

The advertising network contracts include fixed fees (guaranteed minimums) and variable fees above a certain level of activity carried out. Fixed fees are taken into account in the lease liability, while variable fees are expensed directly.

In 2023, the variable lease expenses amount to euro 40 million. In 2022, the variable lease expenses were euro 68 million.

Interest expense on lease liabilities

For financial year 2023, the interest expense on lease liabilities is euro 79 million (see Note 9). For financial year 2022, the interest expense for lease liabilities was euro 87 million.

/ Breakdown by repayment schedule of lease liabilities
not-included Maturities
(in millions of euros) Total -1 Year 1‑2 Years 2‑3 Years 3‑4 Years (4 years)
Cash outflows relating to lease liabilities 2,820 423 385 355 273 1,384

Furthermore, concerning sublease contracts, cash inflows expected for financial year 2024 amount to euro 10 million.