Universal Registration Document 2023

6. Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 Year - AFR

/ Analysis of financial liabilities by currency
(in millions of euros) December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
Euros (1)



December 31, 2023




December 31, 2022


US dollars

US dollars

December 31, 2023


US dollars

December 31, 2022


Other currencies

Other currencies

December 31, 2023


Other currencies

December 31, 2022


Total financial liabilities Total financial liabilities

December 31, 2023

Total financial liabilities

December 31, 2022

Analysis by interest rate type

See Note 30. Risk management – "Exposure to interest rate risk".

Exposure to liquidity risk

Future payments related to financial debt before the impact of discounting (excluding debt linked to finance leases) are as follows:

/ December 31, 2023
unspecified unspecified Maturities
(in millions of euros) Total -1 Year 1‑2 Years 2‑3 Years 3‑4 Years 4‑5 Years +5 Years
Bonds (excl. accrued interest) 3,021 637 777 22 22 773 789
Debt related to earn‑out commitments 253 48 86 109 6 4 -
Debt related to commitments to buy‑out non‑controlling interests 23 16 7 - - - -
Other financial liabilities 71 61 5 1 1 1 2
Total future payments relating to financial liabilities 3,368 762 875 132 29 778 791
Fair value of derivatives 153 36 23 - - 39 55
Total future payments relating to financing activities 3,521 798 898 132 29 817 846
/ December 31, 2022
unspecified unspecified Maturities
(en millions d’euros) Total -1 Year 1‑2 Years 2‑3 Years 3‑4 Years 4‑5 Years +5 Years
Bonds (excl. accrued interest) 3,560 539 637 777 22 22 1,562
Debt related to earn‑out commitments 185 58 42 37 32 16 -
Debt related to commitments to buy‑out non‑controlling interests 30 11 7 10 2 - -
Other financial liabilities 63 59 4 - - - -
Total future payments relating to financial liabilities 3,838 667 690 824 56 38 1,562
Fair value of derivatives 366 106 - 60 - - 200
Total future payments relating to financing activities 4 204 773 690 884 56 38 1 762