Publicis Groupe SA is a French limited liability Company (société anonyme) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, governed by Articles L. 225‑57 to L. 225‑93 of the French Commercial Code. The headquarters is located at 133, avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France.
Pursuant to Regulation (EC) 1606/2002 of July 19, 2002, the Publicis Groupe 2023 consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the IAS/IFRS international accounting standards approved by the European Union as of the closing date and that were mandatory at that date.
The 2023 consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes were approved by the Management Board at its February 5, 2024 meeting and reviewed by the Supervisory Board at its February 7, 2024 meeting. They will be submitted for approval by the shareholders at the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 29, 2024. The consolidated financial statements are presented in euros rounded to the nearest million.
The accounting principles applied to prepare the annual consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 are consistent with the IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as adopted by the European Union as at December 31, 2023.
The Group’s application of the new standards and interpretations adopted by the European Union during financial year 2023 or whose application is mandatory no later than December 31, 2023 has no material impact on the Group’s financial statements and concerns:
As of December 31, 2023, the Group has not adopted any new standards or interpretations in advance.
The principles applied by the Group do not differ from IFRS standards as published by the IASB, since the application of the following standards are not mandatory in financial years beginning on or after January 1, 2023:
The Group does not expect any material impact from the application of these new standards, which will become mandatory as of January 1, 2024.
The following standards have not entered into force as they have not been adopted by the European Union. These are:
The Group does not expect the application of these new standards to have a material impact.
Publicis prepares and publishes its consolidated financial statements in euros.
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Publicis Groupe SA, and of its subsidiaries, as at December 31 of each year. Subsidiaries are consolidated as of the time that the Group obtains control until the date on which control is transferred to an entity outside the Group.
Control is exercised when the Group is exposed or entitled to the variable returns and provided that it can exercise its power to influence such returns.