Universal Registration Document 2023

5.2 Organic growth

5. Commentary of the Financial Year - AFR

5.2 Organic growth


When comparing its annual performance, Publicis Groupe measures the impact on reported net revenue of changes in foreign currency exchange rates, acquisitions and disposals, and organic growth. Organic growth, which represents the increase in like‑for‑like revenue at constant exchange rates, is calculated as follows:

  • net revenue of the previous year is recalculated applying the current year average exchange rate;
  • net revenue from acquisitions (net of revenue from any divested activities) is subtracted from the current year net revenue, in order to neutralize the impact on growth of changes in Groupe scope.

The difference between the net revenue for the current year, after subtraction of the net revenue from acquisitions (net of that of divested activities), and the net revenue of the previous year (converted at the current exchange rate) is compared with the net revenue generated in the prior period to determine the percentage of organic growth.

The Groupe believes that the analysis of organic net revenue growth provides a better understanding of its net revenue performance and trends than reported net revenue because it allows for more meaningful comparisons of current period revenue to that of prior periods. Also, like‑for‑like revenue is also generally used in the industry as a key performance indicator.

Like‑for‑like revenue is not audited and is not a measurement of performance, according to IFRS standards. It may not be compared with similarly titled financial data of other companies.

(in millions of euros) Total
2022 net revenue 2022 net revenueTotal12,572
Currency impact

Currency impact



2022 net revenue at 2023 exchange rates (A) 2022 net revenue at 2023 exchange rates (A)Total12,232
2023 net revenue before impact of acquisitions (1) (B) 2023 net revenue before impact of acquisitions (1) (B) Total12,999
Net revenue from acquisitions (1)

Net revenue from acquisitions



2023 net revenue 2023 net revenueTotal13,099
Organic growth (B - A) / A

Organic growth (B - A) / A


Organic growth was +6.3% in 2023, after two years at double‑digits.

Organic growth for each quarter in 2023 was:

  • first quarter: +7.1%;
  • second quarter: +7.1%;
  • third quarter: +5.3%;
  • fourth quarter: +5.7%.