Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Sustainable use of resources non-included
Water consumption and water supply  4.1.6
Consumption of raw materials  4.1.6
Measures taken with the aim of using raw materials more efficiently 4.1.6
Energy consumption and measures taken to improve energy efficiency  4.1.6
Use of renewable energy sources  4.1.4
Measures taken to adapt to the consequences of climate change non-included
Significant greenhouse gas emission items associated with the Company’s business activity, products and services 4.1.5
Measures taken to adapt to the consequences of climate change  4.1.4
Voluntary medium- and long‑term reduction targets set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and means implemented 4.1.3; 4.1.4; 4.1.5
Protection of biodiversity non-included
Measures taken to protect or restore biodiversity    4.1.7
3 - Societal information non-included
Societal commitments to sustainable developmente  
Impact of the Company’s business activity in terms of local employment and development Introduction ; 4.2.8
Impact of the Company’s business activity on neighboring or local communities  4.3.12
Relations with the Company’s stakeholders and means of dialoguePartnership or philanthropic initiatives Introduction ; 4.3.12 4.2.9 ; 4.3.11
Subcontracting and suppliers non-included
Consideration of social and environmental issues in procurement policy 4.3.9
Consideration of social and environmental responsibility in relations with suppliers and subcontractors  4.3.9
Fair trade non-included
Measures taken to promote consumer health and safety
Specific information non-included
Information on combating corruption and measures taken to prevent corruption 4.3.5
Information on combating tax evasion; measures taken to prevent tax evasion  4.3.12
Information on human rights with reference to the International Labor Organization’s fundamental conventions in relation to: non-included
the respect of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;  4.2.7
ending discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;  4.2.4
ending forced or compulsory work; 4.3.10
the effective abolition of child labor. 4.3.10
Other human rights initiatives 4.3.10
Information not published as not relevant or not subject to any significant risk – See "Compliance" 4.3.13 
Animal welfare non-included
Food safety non-included
Prevention, reduction or reparation of air, water and soil pollution seriously affecting the environment non-included
Consideration of any form of activity‑specific pollution, especially noise and light pollution non-included