Universal Registration Document 2023

4.8 Cross-reference tables

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

4.8 Cross-reference tables


DNFP: Declaration of Non‑Financial Performance

Cross‑reference table with articles L. 225‑102‑1, L. 22‑10‑36 and R. 225‑105‑1 on the declaration of non‑financial performance, as specified in article R. 225‑105 of the French Commercial Code.

not-included Chapters
I. The Company’s business model Introduction; 1.3
II. Analysis of Company risks 2.1
Main risks associated with the Company’s business activity 2.1; 4;;;;
Policies implemented to mitigate and prevent the occurrence of these risks 2.1 ;
Outcome of these policies, including key performance indicators 2.1; 4; 4.3.10; 4.1.3
III. A - Declaration of relevant disclosures associated with the main risks/measures mentioned in II 2.1; 4; 4.3.10; 4.1.3
1 - Employee‑related information
Employment not-included
Total headcount and breakdown of employees by gender, age and geographic region Introduction; 4.2.3
Hiring and lay‑off 4.2.3
Compensation and trends 3.3;
Organisation of work not-included
Organization of working hours 4.2.5
Absenteeism 4.2.3
Health and safety not-included
Health and safety conditions in the workplace 4.2.6
Frequency and severity of workplace accidents and occupational illnesses 4.2.6
Labor relations not-included
Organization of social dialogue, employee information, consultation and negotiation procedures 4.2.7
Review of collective agreements 4.2.7
Training not-included
Training policies implemented, including on environmental protection 4.2.5
Total number of training hours 4.2.5
Gender equality not-included
Measures taken to promote gender equality; 4.2.4
Measures taken to promote the employment and inclusion of people with disabilities 4.2.4
Anti‑discrimination policy 4.2.4
2 – Environmental information not-included
General environmental policy not-included
Environmental issues taken into consideration 4.1
Environmental assessment or certification 4.3.13
Resources devoted to the prevention of environmental risks and pollution 4;
Circular economy not-included
Waste prevention and management 4.1.6
Preventive measures, recycling, reuse and other forms of waste recovery and disposal 4.1.6
Measures to combat food waste 4.1.6