Universal Registration Document 2023

4.5 Assessments and non-financial performance

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

4.5 Assessments and non-financial performance


Publicis Groupe’s non‑financial performance is improving each year, illustrating the progress made in the various registers, as evidenced by the ratings obtained at the end of 2023 with ten non‑financial rating agencies, and among which the Groupe ranks first in its sector in seven of them.

Publicis Groupe is the only Company in its sector to appear in the 2023 Yearbook by S&P.

Publicis Groupe is included in several ESG indices, including: DJSI Europe and DJSI World, FTSE4Good, Euronext CAC40 ESG, CAC40 SBT 1.5, Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe, ECPI Index.

The Groupe is also subject to annual ESG assessments by numerous agencies and organizations specializing in more social and inclusion issues, such as the Bloomberg GEI Index, TOP 100 Equileap, Ethics & Boards, the Feminization of the Governing Bodies Ranking of CAC40 companies, WDI.

Details are available on the Groupe’s website, www.publicisgroupe.com, in the “About” section.

ESG rating agencies Description Score as of February 2024
logo S&P Global.


The rating conducted by Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings assesses a Company’s ability to prepare for future sustainability risks and opportunities. Publicis Groupe is the leader in its sector.

Score as of February 2024


logo MSCI.


MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), a non‑financial rating agency, provides in‑depth research services on ESG topics on thousands of companies. Publicis Groupe is in the Top 38% of the 214 companies in the sector.

Score as of February 2024


logo FTSE4Good.


Created by global index provider FTSE Russell (London Stock Exchange Group), the FTSE4Good indices are used to create and value responsible investment funds.

Publicis Groupe is in the Top 5%.

Score as of February 2024


logo ISS ESG.


ISS (International Shareholder Services) allows investors to integrate these criteria into their responsible investment strategy.

Among the 123 companies in the sector, Publicis Groupe is in the top decile with the C+ Prime status.

Score as of February 2024


logo sustainalytics.


Sustainalytics (Morningstar) assesses the sustainability of listed companies based on their ESG performance.

Publicis Groupe ranks 8th out of a sector comprising 314 companies.

Score as of February 2024


logo moody's.


Since 2021, VigeoEiris has been part of Moody’s ESG Solutions, analyzing ESG and climate criteria.

In a sector comprising 28 companies and an average score of 45/100, Publicis Groupe is the leader.

Score as of February 2024


ESG rating agencies


logo sustco.


SUSTCO (CRD Global) is a rating methodology developed to facilitate investment decisions combining ESG criteria and stock market performance.

Score as of February 2024


logo CDP.


CDP is a non‑profit organization that encourages companies to publish their environmental data and analyzes transparency efforts.

Publicis Groupe is among the 34% of companies that achieved “Management” level.

Score as of February 2024


logo Bloomberg.


Bloomberg provides a variety of proprietary scores that investors can use to assess companies’ ESG performance.

Publicis Groupe holds a leading position.

Score as of February 2024


logo ecovadis.


EcoVadis analyzes the application of ESG policies in Company practices, with a particular focus on the value chain.

Publicis Groupe is among the top performing companies and leads its sector.

Score as of February 2024
