Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Stakeholder expectations (modes of dialogue) Our responses Main actions implemented

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)


(satisfaction surveys, Business reviews, TRR, joint projects)

Offer innovative, sustainable and energy‑efficient services,

Transparency on data protection and use Environmental commitment (with suppliers),

Our responses

Support the marketing and digital transformation of our clients with innovative solutions,

Make responsible marketing the standard,

Reduce our environmental impacts in line with the 2030/2040 objectives validated by SBTi,

Main actions implemented

"Power of One" offer around disruptive, inclusive and dynamic creativity, media, data and innovative technological solutions,

Training of teams in the Groupe’s ethics rules (Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics): 79% trained,(1)

A.L.I.C.E. (Advertising Limiting Impacts & Carbon Emissions): carbon calculator for campaigns and projects promoting eco‑design,

Events: Women’s Forum and VivaTechnology,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Suppliers & partners

(RFIs/RFPs, Annual/Quarterly reviews, P.A.S.S, joint projects)

Measure the social & environmental impacts of products and services purchased,

Our responses

Reduce all negative impacts and increase positive impacts together, Help SMEs access our calls for tenders and diversify our value chain,

Main actions implemented

Due Diligence on suppliers to strengthen the strength of commercial relationships,

Specific action plan with the Supplier Diversity program,

Enhanced CSR assessment of suppliers by a third party,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Universities and Schools

(teaching, working groups, visits, conferences)

Promote social inclusion,

Our responses

Welcome all differences, Cooperate to innovate together, Support educational and research programs,

Main actions implemented

Work in schools and universities to train (MCTP, Publicis Track, etc.) and co‑construct the future of business lines,

Targeted local programs for disadvantaged young people who are far removed from our business lines,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Associations & NGOs

(Meetings, conferences, pro bono & volunteering campaigns, joint projects)

Participate in the fight against inequalities and climate change,

Our responses

Support causes of general interest fighting against social inequalities and the climate emergency,

Main actions implemented

Permanent dialogue and material support through our business lines at the service of NGOs, Creation of the Once And For All Coalition in favor of media targeting minorities in the United States,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Shareholders and investors (conferences, meetings, roadshows, General Shareholders’ Meeting, written responses)

Create sustainable value,

Our responses

Sustain the Company’s financial, economic, social and environmental performance,

Main actions implemented

Regular and transparent communication through the provision of information,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

ESG rating agencies

(questionnaires, discussions)

Enhance the available information,

Our responses

Discuss as part of the assessments and examine the improvements to be made,

Main actions implemented

Make all data available with CSR Smart data on the Groupe’s website,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Regulatory authorities

(conferences, meetings, joint projects)

Participation in inter‑professional work,

Our responses

Improve the standards of the profession and promote self‑regulation,

Main actions implemented

Active participation in sector projects in countries where the Groupe operates, such as Ad Net Zero,

GARM, and many others,

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

States and Administrations

(meetings, discussions)

Fulfill our obligations,

Our responses

Meet local legal requirements and participate in local and global institutional dialogue,

Main actions implemented

Member of the United Nations Global Compact, Participation in international institutional events such as the World Economic Forum in Davos

Stakeholder expectations

(modes of dialogue)

Society & Consumers

(studies and surveys, workshops, events)

Promote responsible products/ services.

Our responses

Listen carefully to expectations, Encourage responsible consumption behaviors.

Main actions implemented

Training of employees in eco‑design with the deployment of the program NIBI and the use of A.L.I.C.E.