Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Relations with start‑ups and societal innovation
  • VivaTech (created by Publicis Groupe and Groupe Les Echos‑Le Parisien) is an innovation accelerator that connects start‑ups, technology leaders, major corporations and investors responding to our world's greatest challenges (education, health, science, innovation, economy, inclusion, sustainability/climate, etc.).

Every year, VivaTech organizes the largest Start‑up and Tech event in Europe. Over the course of four days, the entire tech world gathers in Paris to discuss the most disruptive topics in the ecosystem and to preview innovations from around the world. VivaTech has become the unique place where business and innovation meet. The latest edition in June 2023 brought together in Paris more than 150,000 visitors from 174 countries, 2,800 exhibitors, 11,400 start‑ups and more than 2,600 investors. The eighth edition of VivaTech will take place from May 22 to 25, 2024. More information is available at https://vivatechnology.com and @VivaTech.

  • Some of the Groupe’s digital agencies have an internal "Lab" which aims to create the optimal testing conditions for multi‑disciplinary teams, particularly with regard to augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and everything relating to the Internet of Things (IoT). Technical partners and academics have joined forces for projects to co‑develop innovative solutions.
  • Since 2012, Publicis Groupe has been a partner of the IRIS fund. This fund supports 40 or so technology companies with an overall revenue totaling euro 2.3 billion and a total headcount of 10,100 people. IRIS focuses on technology companies as start‑ups – Early Stage, Late Stage and Growth with high potential – radically transforming their sector through the use of new technologies of the web, cloud, artificial intelligence or robotics, among others: it addresses in particular Industry 5.0, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, B2B software, fintech, 5G networks, and logistics and e‑commerce (see www.iriscapital.com).
  • Publicis Groupe is a partner of the FCPI Alpha Diamant II and Alpha Diamant IV, raised by the AlphaOmega Foundation with a societal purpose, of which 80% of the capital gains go to the Foundation’s actions. It provides support to associations active in helping young people and students in difficulty, who need to be supported in terms of training and reintegration in order to regain their self‑confidence and build their professional future (see www.alphaomegafondation.com).
  • The Groupe has also been very involved with the ICM (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière) since its creation, and more recently in The Brain Fund, 80% of the capital gains of which finance the fundamental research work and innovations of the ICM in neurological or psychiatric diseases.
  • In 2023, Publicis Groupe committed to investing euro 20 million in the Climate Fund for Nature managed by Mirova (Natixis group), alongside other major French companies. This fund, domiciled in France, aims to invest in projects dedicated to the protection and restoration of nature. It aims to generate carbon credits from benefits for biodiversity, with co‑benefits for local communities.

4.3.12 Relations with other stakeholders

Stakeholders other than employees, clients and citizen‑consumers are mentioned here. All stakeholders are invited to send their comments or questions to the Groupe’s CSR Department: csr@publicisgroupe.com.

With shareholders and investors

The Company has been listed on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1970. It is one of the companies selected for the CAC 40 index. Detailed information on shareholders is provided in Section 8.2 of this document.

The Investor Relations Department (see Section 8.4.2 of this document) oversees everyday relations with investors and shareholders via numerous meetings and exchanges in various countries. The Investor Relations Department and the CSR Department work closely together with respect to ESG (Environmental‑Social‑Governance) and SRI (Socially Responsible Investments) requests from shareholders, investors, management companies or ratings agencies.

The press releases and presentations circulated throughout the year are accessible on the Groupe’s website, in the Investor Relations section.

With the media

The media and platforms are key Groupe partners: they are the suppliers that agencies deal with on a daily basis in different countries. Publicis Groupe has always been very committed to media pluralism and is often engaged in supporting media diversity and respect for media neutrality. The Once And For All Coalition in favor of minority media and content is an example of the active way in which long‑term partnerships are built (see Section

In a completely separate manner, the Groupe’s Communication Department supports the schedule of the Company’s official announcements and major cross‑functional projects, such as #WorkingWithCancer. Agency communication focuses on projects that they have completed for clients and on campaigns and awards. The Groupe’s Communication Department also keeps all stakeholders informed. Employees, shareholders, the general public and institutional investors are informed via different communication tools (media, website, social networks, newsletter, etc.).