Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR Risks monitored regarding personal health and safety 

Publicis Groupe is a "people business": the Company’s women and men are our main asset. Several topics receive special attention:

  • stress prevention and mental health: the agencies are responsible for taking measures to prevent psychosocial risks, whether relating to work organization or team management. The agencies have set up ad hoc support systems for employees in difficulty, which, in addition to telemedicine, offers physical and psychological support with dedicated applications, psychological help lines and access to health professionals and sports sessions. The Groupe has set up a global partnership with Thrive, an application accessible to all employees to offer them solutions adapted to mental health issues;
  • in 2023, Publicis Groupe launched the WorkingWithCancer advocacy, led by the Chairman of the Management Board, in order to fight against the stigma of cancer in the workplace. This advocacy is aimed at all companies wishing to take concrete action on this issue, both with regard to their employees and within their sphere of influence. (see Section;
  • prevention of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders): employees are encouraged to make known their needs in terms of work equipment in order to have the tools adapted to their job. The agencies have put activities in place to combat sedentary behavior and encourage good posture;
  • Safety at work: all employees are trained, on an annual basis, in office evacuation via simulations, and are informed of what to do in the event of extraordinary events (i.e. earthquakes in at‑risk locations). Volunteer employees are trained in first aid.

The Groupe has introduced a very strict travel policy, under which countries are classified into three risk categories. Some high‑risk countries are simply banned while other countries are only permitted after assessment and verification of travel conditions and, when appropriate, the implementation of additional security measures. All travelers are provided with advance information and advice on the situation in the country to which they are traveling.

Publicis Groupe applies to its suppliers the same level of care as it provides to its own employees. These three topics are part of the CSR for Business Guidelines appended to contracts signed by the Groupe with its suppliers.

The risks monitored in terms of human rights, on the one hand, and personal health and safety, on the other hand, comply with the principles and policies of the Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics, in particular:

  • principles and values;
  • human resources policies and general rules;
  • diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
  • health and safety;
  • harassment and violence at work;
  • data Protection;
  • information security;
  • CSR for Business Guidelines (Responsible procurement);
  • whistleblowing system.

These policies are aligned with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, incorporating article 1: men and women are born and remain free and equal before the law, with the ILO Declaration (International Labour Organization) on fundamental principles and rights at work including freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the fight against child labor and forced labor. The reference to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the Seven Principles of Women Empowerment Principles of the United Nations is registered in Janus.