Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Issue and level of impact and financial materiality*

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

Impact categories** C, P; “+” / “-” Time frame of impact*** ST, MT & LT URD referrals 2023

Responsible procurement

Mat = Low

Fi = Medium

Responsible procurement

Mat = Low

Fi = Medium

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: The Groupe’s purchases on its own behalf or on behalf of its customers are significant; this gives it a responsibility to define partnerships with its suppliers, in order to act jointly to promote human rights and the preservation of the environment.

R: The main risk lies in unbalanced relationships with suppliers that could jeopardize them and harm the Groupe’s activities and projects for clients or suppliers that do not comply with our high standards.

O: Working in trust with partners promotes innovation and the co‑construction of products and services, regardless of the size or activity of the suppliers.

Responsible procurement

Mat = Low

Fi = Medium

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C, +

Responsible procurement

Mat = Low

Fi = Medium

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT


Responsible procurement

Mat = Low

Fi = Medium

URD referrals 2023

Section 4.3.9

4.3.2 Janus: Ethical principles in the code of conduct

Janus is the Groupe’s Code of Conduct and Ethics and applies to all managers and their teams. It consists of a code of conduct and detailed operating rules. The Code of Conduct and Ethics applies to all employees without exception (see Section 3.1.8 of this document). In 2023, nearly 80% of the Groupe’s workforce received training in the Janus Code and its contents. Training on the Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics takes various forms: online training in Marcel, awareness‑raising sessions during programs for new employees, and more specific internal sessions for the most exposed positions. In the induction programs, Janus is explained as part of the presentation of the Groupe and its activities. The key principles are detailed in particular regarding the standards of behavior of managers and teams, and the rules of operation to comply with fair practices. One of these elements is the “Zero Tolerance” principle in terms of discrimination, harassment, and violence at work, rules regarding conflicts of interest, fraud, prevention and combating of corruption, data protection, key points of the HR policy, and a reminder of the major principles adhered to by the Groupe, such as the United Nations Global Compact.

In terms of business, one of the Groupe’s historic principles is its refusal to take part in partisan communications campaigns of any kind. The Groupe refuses to work for political parties, cults or ideological propaganda organizations, and refuses any request for funding, contribution or free support.

Several extracts from Janus are available on the Groupe’s website, in the CSR section, at the following address: www.publicisgroupe‑csr‑smart‑data.com/fr/links.  

Indicators 2021 2022 2023
% Employees trained in internal Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics

% Employees trained in internal Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics



% Employees trained in internal Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics



% Employees trained in internal Janus Code of Conduct and Ethics


Of which % ABAC (Anti‑Bribery & Anti‑Corruption)

Of which % ABAC (Anti‑Bribery & Anti‑Corruption)



Of which % ABAC (Anti‑Bribery & Anti‑Corruption)



Of which % ABAC (Anti‑Bribery & Anti‑Corruption)



Of which % GDPR (Data Protection)

Of which % GDPR (Data Protection)



Of which % GDPR (Data Protection)



Of which % GDPR (Data Protection)



Of which % GSO (Data Security)

Of which % GSO (Data Security)



Of which % GSO (Data Security)



Of which % GSO (Data Security)

