Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Issue and level of impact and financial materiality*

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

Impact categories** C, P; “+” / “-” Time frame of impact*** ST, MT & LT URD referrals 2023

Data security

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Data security

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: Publicis Groupe supports its clients in understanding their consumers and improving communication with them. The Groupe has a database that is unique in the world, Core ID, with 250 million profiles, to help brands win business and retain their customers.

R: Faced with a resurgence of cyber‑attacks, or a failure of information systems, the Groupe may be faced with significant financial consequences, including possible fines and legal risks.

O: With Core ID, the Groupe offers its customers tailor‑made, secure strategies, enabling brands to be as close as possible to their customers and their needs; with its Intelligence System approach, to identify and reduce the bias of artificial intelligence.

Data security

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

P, -     

Data security

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT


Data security

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

URD referrals 2023

Section 4.3.4

Data protection

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Data protection

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: The protection of personal data is essential to maintain the trust of consumer‑users in the digital world.

R: The increasingly stringent regulatory changes aim to regulate the use of personal data, to address increased risks related particularly to the use of artificial intelligence.

O: The massive arrival of artificial intelligence will simplify and refine the interactions of brands with their consumers allowing them to operate in a more precise and relevant way.

Data protection

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C, -  

Data protection

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT


Data protection

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

URD referrals 2023

Section 4.3.3

Impact of Publicis  services on society

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Impact of Publicis  services on society

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: Communication in the broadest sense supports changes in society: by playing on situations and representations, it anticipates them and can accelerate them, and it can encourage behavioral changes.

R: The major risks are going against the grain of public expectations and generating rejection of brands, products or services, with potential financial and legal consequences for customers, ourselves as suppliers, consumers and other stakeholders.

O: In the current period, requiring significant changes in representations and models that stimulate desire, the Groupe has unique strengths in the market to help its customers in their transitions and make them desirable.

Impact of Publicis  services on society

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C&P, + & -

Impact of Publicis  services on society

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT
ST & MT / LT

Impact of Publicis  services on society

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

URD referrals 2023

Section 4.3.8

Client satisfaction

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Client satisfaction

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: Client satisfaction is the driving force behind the Publicis model, to help them in their transformation, to give them control of a direct and transparent relationship with their own clients, for effective and responsible communication.

R: The risk is the loss of a client dissatisfied with the services provided, with financial and reputational impacts.

O: Client satisfaction is the key to expanding our partnerships and working on new projects, increasing our market share.

Client satisfaction

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C, +   

Client satisfaction

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT


Client satisfaction

Mat = Medium

Fi = High

URD referrals 2023

Section 4.3.7

Responsible marketing

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Responsible marketing

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: As a leader in the sector, the Groupe contributes to improving professional standards and practices and combating all forms of greenwashing / socialwashing. Communication is an accelerator of behavioral changes to move towards a more inclusive, sustainable and responsible society.

R: The main risk is to give the consumer what are perceived as misleading arguments, to mask reality and to maintain confusion.

O: The coming changes in society are numerous and represent opportunities for the Groupe’s clients in terms of innovation and the launch of new products and services adapted to the constraints of the moment.

Responsible marketing

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C, + &

Responsible marketing

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT
- ST & MT / LT

Responsible marketing

Mat = High

Fi = Medium

URD referrals 2023


Client selection

I = High

Fi = Low

Client selection

I = High

Fi = Low

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: The Groupe is committed to supporting its clients in their transformations, facilitating their transition to new models, products and services, and promoting activities that have a positive impact on society.

R: The risk would be to work with clients who do not respect the law, human rights and the environment.

O: Supporting innovative clients creates opportunities for the Groupe to grow and imagine new solutions and services. Innovating in our business lines is a factor in winning new clients.

Client selection

I = High

Fi = Low

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C&P, + &

Client selection

I = High

Fi = Low

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT

- ST & MT / LT

Client selection

I = High

Fi = Low

URD referrals 2023


Business ethics and compliance

I = Medium

Mat = Medium

Business ethics and compliance

I = Medium

Mat = Medium

Major impacts (I)

Risks (R)

Opportunities (O)

I: The Groupe expects its employees and stakeholders (clients, suppliers and others) to behave in an exemplary manner in the conduct of its business, and to combat corruption and all types of fraud.

R: The risk of unethical business behavior may impact the Groupe as well as its stakeholders, both from a legal, financial and reputational point of view.

O: The smooth running of the Company is based on ethical conduct on behalf of all, and is part of the relationship of trust forged with clients and partners, which makes it possible to grow development projects.

Business ethics and compliance

I = Medium

Mat = Medium

Impact categories

** C, P; “+” / “-”

C, +

Business ethics and compliance

I = Medium

Mat = Medium

Time frame of impact

*** ST, MT & LT

ST & MT / LT

Business ethics and compliance

I = Medium

Mat = Medium

URD referrals 2023
