Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

  • The workplace accident rate (1) was 0.16%. The main causes of workplace accidents were related to transportation accidents (commuting and business travel).
  • The accident frequency rate was 0.92%.(2)
  • The severity rate was 0.02%.(3)

In terms of protection, Groupe employees benefit from disability/death coverage, adjusted according to the practices in the various countries. In 2023, as last year, the Groupe did not have to report any fatalities related to a work‑related accident.

This diagram shows the absenteeism rate, the workplace accident rate and the frequency and severity rate. 
  • Absenteeism rate: 1.6%
  • Workplace accident rate: 0.16%, where these are mainly transport accidents.
  • Frequency rate: 0.92%
  • Severity rate: 0.02%
  • 99% of employees are covered by health insurance.
  • 100% of employees, included in physical and mental health programs in 2022. Health and Safety 

100 % of the workforce in Groupe agencies are covered by these health, hygiene and safety support plans. Most employees have sedentary jobs in offices or working from home, and are seated behind screens. Agencies apply current local regulations on personal security in the workplace and are responsible for implementing their health support and action plans.

In the United States, federal law (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) may be supplemented by laws in each state, and possibly reinforced at the municipal level. In Europe, this mission is entrusted to dedicated local committees (Health and Safety Committees) and the CSE (Social and Economic Committee) in France. Elected or volunteer employees receive training on safety and first aid. Evacuation drills (fire, earthquake, etc.) are regularly conducted at the facilities, with support from general services safety teams (Re:Sources) and building managers. In all agencies, safety officers (fire or emergency evacuations) are also trained each year; volunteers are trained in first aid. In India, Occupational Health and Safety regulations apply, and, as in many countries, small teams of employees are trained every year in all buildings and on all floors to assist others in the event of an emergency or evacuation. Given their large size, Publicis Sapient entities in India are ISO 45001‑certified, thus covering 48% of the workforce of the Groupe in this country.

In some cities, as is the case in India and China, devices monitor air pollution and inform employees so that measures can be taken for those who may be the most vulnerable in terms of health, and so that teleworking can be facilitated during peak pollution periods.

In many agencies, offices are protected by external security teams who check people entering and leaving.

LionAlert is the internal tool designed to be able to contact employees in the event of an extreme emergency and ensure that they are safe; LionAlert is activated locally according to events (earthquakes, cyclones, floods, major fires, as well as acts of terrorism, political tensions, etc.). LionAlert is overseen by the Groupe’s Secretary General. In 2023, it was activated numerous times in Ukraine to monitor the situation of our employees in the context of the war. It was also activated in October 2023 following the terrorist attack in Israel. It was also used in certain cities during fatal attacks, floods and cyclones, i.e. 91 activations in seven countries (including Ukraine for 73/91).