Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

In more than 90% of entities, agency management is, and remains, local. A key success factor of the Groupe’s agency acquisition and integration policy is maintaining the local management team in place, not to mention the necessity of gaining a strong cultural foothold so as to understand the markets in which we operate. The vast majority of an entity’s employees are local, which is why it is essential to create teams with diverse profiles – career path, experience, culture, language, nationality, etc. Collaborating with academia, schools and universities

In 2023, some of the face‑to‑face programs or activities conducted in universities and schools resumed and others remained virtual (see CSR section on the Groupe's website). Following the consolidation of initiatives to improve efficiency, more than 550 programs took place between the Groupe’s agencies and various institutions. The aim of these partnerships is to help young people with an educational background that is far removed from the usual standards to find out about jobs in the industry to show them that they have a place among our teams. Technologically‑oriented or academic collaborations with certain establishments were established for pilot projects. Many managers of the Groupe’s agencies act as regular contacts in certain disciplines and domains, and are keen on sharing their experience with future professionals.

The Groupe remains committed to various schools, universities and organizations that are very active in promoting diversity in the United States, the United Kingdom and in France. Publicis Groupe is a member of several business alliances, such as All4Youth, created and led by Nestlé, or Skills, created with four other companies in France.

4.2.5 Developing skills, experience and careers 

Relations with academic institutions (high schools, schools and universities) and training organizations enable cooperation on current or future changes to the training courses of future professionals (see Section All positions related to the Groupe's key business lines are subject to anticipatory work, as they evolve quite rapidly. Particular attention is paid to the Data and Tech business lines, in very high demand everywhere, and for which the Groupe has real advantages in appeal, in terms of freedom of innovation and cross‑skills.

Changes in data over several years are available on the Groupe website in the CSR section under "CSR Smart data". With Career Settings, the Human Resources information system deployed throughout the Groupe, the HR/Talent teams have a workforce management tool that provides a detailed analysis of needs in countries by business line, by agency and by type of project. This analysis makes it possible to anticipate:

  • training needs in many areas according to the expectations of employees and the expertise required for ongoing projects;
  • short- and medium‑term recruitment needs, prioritizing internal applications and diversity of profiles;
  • each person’s professional and personal development needs;
  • the composition of ad hoc teams when international teams with specific expertise are required;
  • the need to build a learning company culture based on solid tools and real support;
  • the need to support internal organizational changes and specialties (including upskilling and reskilling) and prepare for changes from the use of artificial intelligence.

In a decentralized company the size of Publicis, employees are constantly on the move, evolving to keep up with the pace of their activities, and meeting clients' expectations as effectively as possible. Qualitative work is carried out on the basis of data and movements observed in Career Settings, making it possible to prepare the next generations of Groupe managers and executives, and to monitor the evolution of skills and expertise in order to help them acquire new ones, if necessary.

Since 2021, a Groupe course called "L'Avenue" has been set up to mark the first 133 days of newcomers. It consists of several modules: face‑to‑face meetings with the Groupe’s managers, online training sessions, workshops and social events to build a sense of belonging to the Company’s team.

2023 demonstrated the central role that the Marcel platform plays in supporting teams in terms of learning, by enriching the content and opportunities offered at Groupe level around the world. Marcel fulfills several roles, including an essential one for training, with Marcel Classes. Training serves all employees and the Company’s strategic plan.

With the arrival of generative artificial intelligence tools in 2023, all employees had access on Marcel to Publicis GPT, a test environment enabling them to discover several tools, including Dall‑E for image generation. This discovery was governed by dedicated policies, such as the Generative AI Acceptable Use Guidelines or AI Legal Guidelines, to understand the uses to be respected.