Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

The partnership policy has been strengthened in order to collaborate more closely and concretely with associations active in the field, particularly in the fight against violence against women and on economic and social inclusion.  

Other diversity and inclusion indicators

The legal framework in each country determines the data that may be made public. Gender and age are the only two criteria authorized without restriction in France and applicable worldwide. This is why every year since June 2020, Publicis Groupe has publicly shared its data on the ethnic origins of its employees only in the United States, as part of a regulation allowing it and a strong commitment to improve real inclusion within the agencies. Disability is a criterion that is unevenly followed in all countries; only French data is published in this document. For Publicis Groupe, indicators related to sexual orientation and religion are a matter of everyone’s privacy. The Groupe is very attentive to the challenges of intersectionality and the difficulties that some people may face; real inclusion must integrate all criteria without exception in order to effectively combat all forms of discrimination. DEI policies and actions in selected countries
1) United States

The action program in the United States is rolled out by the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) team, supervised by the Chief Diversity Officer, who reports to the Secretary General. This centralized team makes it possible to scale up certain actions and to ensure the general alignment behind the mission of Viva la Différence. The operational implementation is done through the “Workplace to Marketplace” framework, which requires all actions to meet the challenge of real and perceived inclusion.

  • In 2020, the Groupe launched its seven‑point plan during the first session of "Pause For Action" with more than 18,500 employees. It is led by the Chairman of the Groupe’s Management Board and monitored by the US Executive Committee. Pause For Action is now an annual internal meeting to review with all teams and work together, on the basis of shareable data, on areas for improvement to promote employees and future recruits.
  • The publication of data on the ethnic origins of employees, in compliance with regulatory and data protection provisions, shows progress.
  • The Black Talent Career Development program was held for the third time, in the form of an individualized six‑month support program enabling the employees concerned to better understand the opportunities within the Groupe and to build a stronger internal community. Since its creation, it has involved 469 employees. And for the third year, the Black Talent Summit highlighted the opportunities for progression offered internally and made accessible to everyone.
  • In 2023, the priorities were around mandatory training such as Inclusive Leadership for managers, Inclusive Hiring for HR teams, Disrupting Everyday Bias for everyone, and focused on the strengthening of 18 affinity groups or BRGs (Business Resources Groups), bringing together 80 chapters, since they operate by agency or city. In 2023, they organized more than 150 events. These 18 BRGs include:
    • Caregivers, for family caregivers,
    • Conscious Mind, in the field of mental health,
    • Écologique, which focuses on climate and societal issues,
    • Egalité, supporting LGBTQ+ employees and their allies,
    • EnABLE, for employees with visible or invisible disabilities,
    • Hola, bringing together those with Latin American roots, to develop professionally,
    • Jewish Cultural Cohort, to support employees of the Jewish faith and their allies,
    • Moca, which is the Men of Color Alliance, and their allies,
    • Pan‑Asian Alliance, bringing together employees from Asia and the Pacific Islands, and their allies,
    • Publicis Vets, which connects employees with a veteran background,
    • Sages, for employees aged 45 and over,
    • VivaWomen! promoting women and gender equity, with VivaWomen of Color and VivaWit (Technology).

The role of the BRGs is essential in the United States: they can help to improve the Groupe's internal policies, they are a source of proposals and social innovation, they lead strong communities of employees who enjoy meeting up, reflecting and acting together in the service of the general interest and of all employees, and they also enable any difficulties or questions to be raised. The specific difficulties faced by women during menopause and domestic violence are dealt with in a cross‑functional way, with each case involving the search for concrete, pragmatic solutions, both internal and external.

  • 11 Groupe agencies received a score of 100/100 for the 11th consecutive year from the Human Rights Campaign, which distinguishes the companies that are the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”