Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

Égalité – Launched in the United States, this network brings together employees from agencies mobilized in the defense of LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer communities) rights and is backed by the Groupe’s CSR Department. All agencies have now joined this network, which is present in various major cities from Boston to Atlanta via London and Paris. Égalité has contributed significantly to the evolution of policies in place and activities to promote inclusion in the agencies. Égalité is now present in ten cities around the world.

enABLE - Network created in 2019, also supported by the Group’s CSR Department, bringing together various local initiatives in favor of the inclusion of people with disabilities, with inspiring programs in India, France and the United States, aiming to demystify the issues and facilitate understanding of the different types of disability (visible and non‑visible, which are the most numerous). The objective is to break down barriers and identify the opportunities that these atypical profiles can represent for the agencies and for their internal culture in terms of real inclusion.

Écologique - In the countries where it operates, this affinity group brings together employees who volunteer to facilitate the ecological transition of the business lines. The members of this group, launched in 2020 in Poland and supported by the Group’s CSR Department, are passionate about their activities and about the major global issues, particularly climate and environmental, to which they want to contribute positively at their own level and through their daily work.

5) The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society

The Women’s Forum has been a Publicis Groupe subsidiary since 2009. This global platform’s role is to promote the voices of women, not only to issues of equality, but also to other issues concerning global social and economic issues as a whole, and to defend their rights. The Women’s Forum works for a fairer and more inclusive world, seeking to remove structural barriers to equality enabling women of all generations and from all ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds to be players and decision‑makers in many areas. This nearly 15 year commitment by Publicis Groupe illustrates the Groupe’s determination to defend and protect human rights.

Since 2020, the Women’s Forum has published its Barometer, which enables general public perception to be compared against the most recent figures in the G7 and some Asian countries. This instrument is driven by the ambition of the Women's Forum to be a reference on gender inequality issues and their consequences in terms of climate, female entrepreneurship, future professions, technology and health. This Barometer enables the monitoring of the progress made year after year and informs political and economic decision‑makers as well as civil society. 

In March 2024, the Women's Forum took part, for the first time, in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to speak out on violence against women during conflicts.


On the occasion of the 2023 Global Meeting in November in Paris, organized around the theme “Change Education, Educate for Change,” the Women’s Forum brought together political, economic and civil society leaders alongside engaged youth to share innovative solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow. This 2023 edition brought together more than 1,500 participants and representatives of 175 countries, and enabled more than 10,000 online connections. In March 2023, a Women’s Forum was held in the United States in Washington, DC alongside personalities such as Diane Von Furstenberg and Prince Reza Pahlavi. In June 2023, a meet‑up of the Women’s Forum also took place in Singapore. 

Working Groups and partnerships

Created in 2022, Working Groups bring together a coalition of experts and partner companies to discuss an annual theme where gender equality remains a challenge. With a focus on “women and money” in 2022, these Working Groups issued recommendations on microfinance and on women’s relationship to investments. These recommendations will be shared and will also serve as a call to action for public institutions. The theme selected for 2024 is violence against women.

In 2021, the Women’s Forum launched its acceleration program “WomenEntrepreneurs4Good” whose objective is to identify and support projects led by women entrepreneurs acting for a positive social and environmental impact. In partnership with Bank of America, HEC and Bredin Prat, this third edition welcomed around ten women from around the world.

Launched in 2007, the Rising Talents initiative identifies talented young women each year to become influential actors in our economies and societies. In 2023, supported by Air France, Insead, Lazard and Russell Reynolds, 13 new members joined this network, which now has more than 250 women. Alyse Nelson, CEO of Vital Voices, is its ambassador, after Christel Heydemann, CEO of Orange.

The Youth Voices initiative, launched in 2021, hosts more than 300 young people aged 16 to 25 each year at the Global Meeting in Paris to give them a voice and have an impact on the major challenges of the world. In 2023 it was led by Generation 2030 and Global Shapers.

The CEO Champions, created in 2010, is a flagship initiative of the Women's Forum bringing together a network of business leaders in partnership with McKinsey. It enables them to exchange best practices and experiences in order to speed up the advancement of women in companies.

Finally, in 2023, the Women's Forum launched its online community, offering participants a platform of content in different formats, thanks to Live Talks, Speed Learning and workshops. This community aims to promote innovation and knowledge sharing.