Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

3 Activities with energy consumption excluding scopes 1+2 for an estimated total of 6,331 TeqCO2.

The emissions measured in this category take into account upstream emissions and losses related to energy consumption, calculated from the Groupe’s energy consumption using the appropriate data sets.

4 Upstream transportation: not relevant to the intellectual services business.

5 Waste for a total of 256 TeqCO2:

  • the volume of (non hazardous) waste recycled is estimated at 1,586 metric tons. Most of this waste is paper and cardboard. It is recycled with traceability (some agencies have had traceability in place for 100% of these volumes for several years now). Given that the Groupe provides services, it does not manage any hazardous or toxic waste. In early 2020, the Groupe launched a global plan for single use plastic, with the aim of achieving its elimination in all entities. Although the pandemic has led to an increased use of single‑use personal protective equipment, most plastic office equipment has been phased out,
  • electronic waste is collected in local WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) channels, or as part of IT equipment take‑back contracts, also allowing a second life for this still usable equipment,
  • the issue of food waste has been monitored for a number of years now. In all agencies, employees must reduce waste day to day and support sharing initiatives to tackle food insecurity. For example, in the late afternoon, employees can go to the cafeteria to collect untouched food left over from meetings. In France, Sodexo, which is the Groupe’s partner, including for the Champs-Élysées and Bastille sites, is extremely proactive both in its own production chain (from upstream to downstream) and in its communication campaigns designed to raise the awareness of its employees and clients on food waste issues in corporate canteens. The Groupe defends responsible, fair and sustainable food that is sourced locally whenever possible, mindful of animal welfare, as evidenced by several projects carried out with various clients (see www.publicisgroupe.com, CSR section).

6 Business travel, for an estimated total of 50,820 TeqCO2, covering:

  • air business travel for a total of 45,030 TeqCO2. Since 2013, Publicis Groupe has been calculating the carbon emissions of flights according to the distance flown and the class of passengers, using monthly reporting that covers more than 90% of flights. This air travel is validated at several levels, which leads the employees concerned to rethink the organization of their trips by concentrating meetings over several days to avoid unnecessary round trips. Business imperatives, in agreement with clients, take priority. If carried out for any other reason, travel must be approved by a member of the General Management. With the resumption of physical meetings, business flights resumed, and were up compared to 2021 but down compared to 2019. Given the impact of this air travel, it is included in the Groupe’s current carbon offset program. Since 2022, a monthly monitoring of air travel bas been set up in order to identify the levers to reduce it,
  • other travel, by train and other modes of transportation, including car rental. In countries where this service exists, group use of Green Cabs and taxis is encouraged.

7 Commuting of employees for an estimated total of 35,452 TeqCO2.

The Groupe’s offices are located in major cities around the world. Employees are therefore encouraged to use public transportation (partial or total) or other forms of soft mobility (electric bicycle, etc.), and to carpool. With the return to the office three days a week, the impacts of commuting automatically increase. The agencies encourage the use of low‑emission modes of transportation, such as public transportation, wherever possible, as well as other options, such as electric, hybrid or smaller company cars or alternative mobility solutions (electric bicycles).

8 Upstream leased assets, for an estimated total of 22,064 TeqCO2.

These emissions come from the operation of assets leased by the Groupe during the reference year, and which are not already included in the Groupe’s scope 1 or scope 2 inventories, calculated in carbon equivalent per square meter of office space.

Real estate and offices (Upstream leasing assets), taken into account for the total surface area occupied, in all countries, for an estimated total of 22,064 TeqCO2.