Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

4.1.5 Eco‑design: Training employees in environmental issues

Employees are regularly informed locally, in each agency, of the progress made. Joint actions between the general services teams and volunteers mobilized within the agencies are carried out throughout the year. Depending on the issue, internal notifications make it possible to keep awareness high and monitor activity‑related progress (in terms of reductions in electricity and paper consumption, improved waste‑recovery management, partnerships for recycling or giving a second life to objects, etc.). For more than 15 years, the “Green Teams” or “CSR Champions” have become more professional thanks to local training in sustainable development for the vast majority. They are the driving force behind employee mobilization, innovation towards new tools and solutions with the least possible impact and the transformation of all our businesses. 

The deployment of A.L.I.C.E. provided the opportunity for multiple working sessions with many teams according to their business challenges and the clients with whom they work, conducted by the Groupe’s CSR Department. Each country then set up workshops and working groups to familiarize employees in depth and to integrate specific contextual or legal elements. The We are Positivers program rolled out by France, which enabled the training of all employees in eco‑design, as part of the #NIBI (No Impact for Big Impact) program, reflects this determination. Several French entities were rewarded several times in 2023 for their eco‑designed client campaigns, and recognized as role models.

Eco‑design is at the heart of the development of a digital campaign or project for a client in many of the Groupe's agencies. Teams are looking for partnerships to make projects more sustainable using new approaches such as the circular economy or sharing economy. Eco‑design approaches are tested and evaluated, some of which give convincing results. These voluntary initiatives make it possible to involve clients, suppliers and partners and to give employees the ability to take concrete action. In recent years, Conferences of Parties (COP) organized each year on the climate by the United Nations, have been a benchmark during the year for organizing internal activities (training, external speakers, round tables with clients and partners, etc.) around the mobilization against climate change.

4.1.6 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment 

For the 14th edition, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions review based on the GHG Protocol method was calculated with the assistance of Bureau Veritas Exploitation based on data collected by all Groupe entities, i.e. 99% of headcount (maximum margin of uncertainty of 20%).

It should be noted that Publicis Groupe’s impact on greenhouse gases is limited to the carbon impact, given that greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2 are not significant.

These data take into account new emission factors updated from the Base Carbone® database managed by the French Environment & Energy Management Agency (ADEME, accessible at www.basecarbone.fr) ; these emission factors are required by the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition for the GHG emissions assessment. Additional databases are used, such as Dekra or Ecoinvent.