Universal Registration Document 2023

4. Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Financial Performance - AFR

This diagram represents the Zero Impact Climate Policy, whose absolute priority is to reduce all impacts.

Net zero climate policy


  • #1 TRANSPORTATION : Reduce professional and personal journeys
  • #2 ENERGY : Reduction of energy consumption, transition to 100% renewable energy from direct sources
  • #3 RAW MATERIALS (paper, water, plastic) : Reduce consumption
  • #4 WASTE : Reduce waste and increase recycling
  • #8 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT : Scope 1+2+3 is estimated to reach less than 50% in 2030 and less than 90% in 2040 to reduce impacts.
  • #5 A.L.I.C.E1 :Reduce the carbon emissions of the work we are doing for our clients
  • #6 Innovation : Group products and services that enable customers to reduce their environmental impact
  • #7 P.A.S.S2 : Reduce environmental impacts with our suppliers (purchased goods and services)

Scope 1+2+3 is estimated to reach less than 50% in 2030 and less than 90% in 2040 to reduce impacts. 

1 A.L.I.C.E: Advertising Limiting Impacts & Carbon Emissions
2 P.A.S.S: Publicis Groupe Providers Platform for a self-Assessment for a Sustainable Supply-chain

The “Zero Impact Climate Policy” whose top priority is to reduce all impacts, is structured around the following eight levers:

  1. reduction of transportation, particularly by air, and its impacts, thanks to the reduction in air business travel and the use of teleconferencing tools. Various scenarios for the future development of business air travel have been studied to adjust our travel validation policy and processes. The Groupe’s international dimension and the need to regularly hold face‑to‑face discussions with clients imply a need to think differently about air business travel to group meetings more effectively;
  2. reduction in energy consumption and switch to 100% direct‑source renewable energy. In recent years, Re:Sources teams have focused on improving the energy efficiency of offices and buildings, seeking to limit the impacts of electricity, heating and air conditioning. New specific work has been underway since 2023 on the energy consumption of own and external data centers;
  3. reduction in consumption of natural resources and raw materials (mainly paper, water, plastics). The global plan launched at the beginning of 2020 to eliminate single‑use plastics (Zero Single‑Use Plastic) from all agencies in order to rapidly comply with the ambitious objectives of the plan voted by the European Parliament remains a priority;
  4. reduction of the volume of waste: the systematic use of recycling channels, particularly for electronics and IT products ("DEEE" or "WEEE" Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment), and the organized management of non‑hazardous waste remain the priority wherever possible (the Groupe does not operate hazardous waste);
  5. reduction of the impacts of campaigns and projects completed for clients: the Groupe has created an internal impact assessment platform called A.L.I.C.E. (Advertising Limiting Impacts & Carbon Emissions), which makes it possible to measure and find less impactful options;
  6. product and service innovation at agency and country level, with new solutions offered to clients to support their energy and environmental transition. In 2022, Razorfish France launched Razoscan, which analyzes the energy consumption of a website, and in 2023 Publicis Sapient France launched e‑Footprint with a fairly similar scope, also operating on e‑commerce sites (retail);
  7. reduction of the impacts of purchased goods and services: this translates into greater supplier commitment to the Paris Agreement trajectory and the 1.5°C scenario. Groupe or strategic suppliers are required to undergo a CSR assessment by an independent third party (EcoVadis or others) and, in terms of carbon emissions, to align themselves with a reduction trajectory validated by a third party (such as external auditors or an independent organization like CDP or SBTi). For other suppliers, the Groupe has, for several years, been providing support and training in the CSR assessment process. A self‑assessment platform for their CSR and environmental approach has been created: P.A.S.S (Publicis Groupe Providers’ Platform for a self‑assessment for a Sustainable Supply chain). It makes it possible to share with the company their environmental data and objectives for reducing their real impacts, correctly measured;
  8. mobilization of teams: everyone must act in their daily lives and in the services provided to clients, see Section 4.1.5.The Net Zero target by 2040 was set with a single watchword: reduction. An intermediate step is planned for carbon neutrality in the entire Groupe as soon as possible before 2030. The options for obtaining RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) exist, but are managed centrally by the Groupe to deal with a local shortfall in the renewable energy market, for example. To offset irreducible impacts, VCCs (Voluntary Carbon Credits) are used only a last resort.

The summary table of key data can be found at the end of this section.