Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

/ Table 11 (AMF nomenclature) Other information concerning the executive corporate officers
Executive corporate officers Employment Supplementary pension plan Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation Indemnities under a non‑compete clause
Management Board Management Board


Management Board

Supplementary pension plan

Management Board

Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation

Management BoardIndemnities under a

non‑compete clause


Arthur Sadoun, Chairman

First appointment:  June 1, 2017 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Arthur Sadoun, Chairman

First appointment:  June 1, 2017 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026



Arthur Sadoun, Chairman

First appointment:  June 1, 2017 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Supplementary pension plan


Arthur Sadoun, Chairman

First appointment:  June 1, 2017 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation


Arthur Sadoun, Chairman

First appointment:  June 1, 2017 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities under a

non‑compete clause


Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner

First appointment:  September 15, 2014 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner

First appointment:  September 15, 2014 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026



Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner

First appointment:  September 15, 2014 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Supplementary pension plan


Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner

First appointment:  September 15, 2014 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation


Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner

First appointment:  September 15, 2014 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities under a

non‑compete clause


Michel‑Alain Proch

First appointment:  January 15, 2021 Expiry of term of office:  February 8, 2024

Michel‑Alain Proch

First appointment:  January 15, 2021 Expiry of term of office:  February 8, 2024



Michel‑Alain Proch

First appointment:  January 15, 2021 Expiry of term of office:  February 8, 2024

Supplementary pension plan


Michel‑Alain Proch

First appointment:  January 15, 2021 Expiry of term of office:  February 8, 2024

Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation


Michel‑Alain Proch

First appointment:  January 15, 2021 Expiry of term of office:  February 8, 2024

Indemnities under a

non‑compete clause


Loris Nold

First appointment:  February 8, 2024 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Loris Nold

First appointment:  February 8, 2024 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026



Loris Nold

First appointment:  February 8, 2024 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Supplementary pension plan


Loris Nold

First appointment:  February 8, 2024 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities or benefits due or payable on cessation


Loris Nold

First appointment:  February 8, 2024 Expiry of term of office: September 14, 2026

Indemnities under a

non‑compete clause


3.3.3 Share ownership

At December 31, 2023, none of the members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board held more than 1% of the Company’s shares, with the exception of Mrs. Élisabeth Badinter and her children (6.56%), and Mr. Maurice Lévy, who directly or indirectly holds 4,774,855 shares, i.e. 1.88% of the Company’s share capital, of which 2,436,298 shares are held through a family company owned by Mr. Maurice Lévy and his family.

At December 31, 2023, the members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board (excluding Mrs. Élisabeth Badinter and her children) directly and indirectly held 6,799,826 shares, i.e. 2.67% of the Company’s share capital, of which 1.88% by Mr. Maurice Lévy.

The following table shows the interest of each corporate officer in the share capital of the Company at December 31, 2023 by the number of shares and voting rights, as well as the number of shares that each corporate officer has the right to acquire through the exercise of new stock subscription options and existing stock purchase options.