Universal Registration Document 2023

3. Governance and Compensation - AFR

/ Table 2 (AMF nomenclature) summary table of the compensation for each executive corporate officer (in euros)

In general, the compensation paid corresponds to the fixed compensation for the specified year and the variable portion corresponds to that of the previous year.

No multi‑year variable compensation, exceptional compensation or compensation awarded for serving as a director was paid to corporate officers. 

unspecified 2023 – Amounts: 2022 – Amounts:
unspecified Awarded Paid Awarded Paid
Management Board unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified
Arthur Sadoun, Chairman of the Management Board unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified
Fixed compensation 1,170,000 1,170,000 1,170,000 1,170,000
Annual variable compensation(1) 3,393,000 2,503,800 2,503,800 1,900,000
Benefits in kind(2) - - - -
Total 4,563,000 3,673,800 3,673,800 3,070,000
Anne‑Gabrielle Heilbronner, Secretary General unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified
Fixed compensation 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000
Annual variable compensation(3) 636,000 516,000 516,000 600,000 
Benefits in kind(4) 19,430 19,430 12,357 12,357
Total 1,255,430 1,135 430 1 128 357 1,212,357

Michel‑Alain Proch, Groupe Chief Financial Officer
Member of the Management Board from January 15, 2021
to February 8, 2024

unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified
Fixed compensation 720,000 720,000 600,000 600,000
Annual variable compensation(5) 691,200 546,000 546,000 600,000
Benefits in kind(4) 18,566 18,566 11,261 -
Total 1,429,766 1 284 566 1,157,261 1,200,000