Sophie Dulac
Born on December 26, 1957, of French nationality
First appointment: June 25, 1998
Expiry of term of office: 2024 Annual
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held: 1,749,460
Dulac Cinémas
60, rue Pierre-Charron 75008 Paris France
Granddaughter of Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet and niece of Élisabeth Badinter. After several years in the public relations sector, Sophie Dulac, a graduate in psychographology, continued her career by founding and managing a recruitment consultancy firm. Since 2001, she has chaired the movie theater company, Les Écrans de Paris, now called Dulac Cinémas. She also manages the film production and distribution companies, Dulac Productions and Dulac Distribution. Since 2012, Sophie Dulac is the founder and Chair of the Champs-Élysées Film Festival. Sophie Dulac was Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board from 1999 to 2017.
Offices listed above