Universal Registration Document 2022

10.8 Cross-reference Table for The Corporate Governance Report

10 Additional Information

10.8 Cross-reference Table for The Corporate Governance Report


Corporate governance

  Page number Chapter
List of all offices and functions exercised in any Company by each corporate officer of the Company during the financial year

List of all offices and functions exercised in any Company by each corporate officer of the Company during the financial year

Page number

50 to 67; 83 to 86

List of all offices and functions exercised in any Company by each corporate officer of the Company during the financial year


Content of, and conditions for preparing and organizing, the Supervisory Board’s work

Content of, and conditions for preparing and organizing, the Supervisory Board’s work

Page number

50 to 67; 71 to 73

Content of, and conditions for preparing and organizing, the Supervisory Board’s work


Description of the diversity policy applied to the members of the Supervisory Board, description of the objectives of this policy, its implementation methods and the results achieved

Description of the diversity policy applied to the members of the Supervisory Board, description of the objectives of this policy, its implementation methods and the results achieved

Page number

50 to 67

Description of the diversity policy applied to the members of the Supervisory Board, description of the objectives of this policy, its implementation methods and the results achieved


Information on the manner in which the Company seeks gender balance on the committee set up by management to assist it on a regular basis in the performance of its general duties and on the results in terms of gender balance in the 10% most senior positions

Information on the manner in which the Company seeks gender balance on the committee set up by management to assist it on a regular basis in the performance of its general duties and on the results in terms of gender balance in the 10% most senior positions

Page number

50 to 67; 89 to 90; 166 to 174

Information on the manner in which the Company seeks gender balance on the committee set up by management to assist it on a regular basis in the performance of its general duties and on the results in terms of gender balance in the 10% most senior positions

Chapter; 3.1.6; 4.1.1

Potential limitations which the Supervisory Board imposes on powers of the Management Board

Potential limitations which the Supervisory Board imposes on powers of the Management Board

Page number

71 to 73; 87 to 88

Potential limitations which the Supervisory Board imposes on powers of the Management Board


Provisions deviating from the Afep-Medef Code and reasons for this

Provisions deviating from the Afep-Medef Code and reasons for this

Page number


Provisions deviating from the Afep-Medef Code and reasons for this



Particular terms and conditions of shareholder participation in General Shareholders’ Meetings or provisions in the bylaws covering these terms

Particular terms and conditions of shareholder participation in General Shareholders’ Meetings or provisions in the bylaws covering these terms

Page number

360 to 362; 378

Particular terms and conditions of shareholder participation in General Shareholders’ Meetings or provisions in the bylaws covering these terms


8.1.6; 9

Observations of the Supervisory Board on the Management Board report and the financial statements for the financial year

Observations of the Supervisory Board on the Management Board report and the financial statements for the financial year

Page number


Observations of the Supervisory Board on the Management Board report and the financial statements for the financial year


Agreements between a corporate officer or major shareholder and a subsidiary of the Company (excluding agreements relating to current operations or concluded on arm’s length terms)

Agreements between a corporate officer or major shareholder and a subsidiary of the Company (excluding agreements relating to current operations or concluded on arm’s length terms)

Page number

155; 156

Agreements between a corporate officer or major shareholder and a subsidiary of the Company (excluding agreements relating to current operations or concluded on arm’s length terms)


3.3; 3.4

Description of the procedure put in place by the Company for assessing ordinary arm’s-length agreements and its implementation

Description of the procedure put in place by the Company for assessing ordinary arm’s-length agreements and its implementation

Page number


Description of the procedure put in place by the Company for assessing ordinary arm’s-length agreements and its implementation


Summary table of current delegations of authority and authorizations in the area of share capital increases

Summary table of current delegations of authority and authorizations in the area of share capital increases

Page number

365 to 367

Summary table of current delegations of authority and authorizations in the area of share capital increases



Elements relating to compensation

  Page number Chapter
Compensation policy for corporate officers

Compensation policy for corporate officers

Page number

93 to 118

Compensation policy for corporate officers



Report on the compensation of corporate officers

Report on the compensation of corporate officers

Page number

118 to 152

Report on the compensation of corporate officers



Conditions for exercising and holding options by executive corporate officers

Conditions for exercising and holding options by executive corporate officers

Page number

313 to 316

Conditions for exercising and holding options by executive corporate officers


6.6 (Note 31)

Conditions for holding free shares granted to executive corporate officers

Conditions for holding free shares granted to executive corporate officers

Page number

96 to 104; 313 to 316

Conditions for holding free shares granted to executive corporate officers

Chapter; 6.6 (Note 31)