Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile

Company information and capital structure

  Page number Chapter
Transactions in the Company’s shares by managers and related persons

Transactions in the Company’s shares by managers and related persons

Page number


Transactions in the Company’s shares by managers and related persons



Details of purchases and sales of treasury shares during the financial year

Details of purchases and sales of treasury shares during the financial year

Page number

368 to 370

Details of purchases and sales of treasury shares during the financial year



Any adjustments for securities giving access to the share capital or stock options

Any adjustments for securities giving access to the share capital or stock options

Page number

303 to 304; 345

Any adjustments for securities giving access to the share capital or stock options


6.6 (Note 27); 7.4 (Note 20.1.1)

Major shareholders and treasury shares

Major shareholders and treasury shares

Page number

362 to 365

Major shareholders and treasury shares



Employee shareholding

Employee shareholding

Page number

313 to 316; 345 to 349; 372

Employee shareholding


6.6 (Note 31); 7.4 (Note 20.1.2); 8.3.6

Notice given to another joint-stock Company that the Company owns over 10% of its share capital

Notice given to another joint-stock Company that the Company owns over 10% of its share capital

Page number


Notice given to another joint-stock Company that the Company owns over 10% of its share capital



Disposal of shares carried out in order to rectify any situation of reciprocal shareholding

Disposal of shares carried out in order to rectify any situation of reciprocal shareholding

Page number


Disposal of shares carried out in order to rectify any situation of reciprocal shareholding



Injunctions or financial penalties for anti-competitive practices imposed by the Competition Authority and prescribed by the latter, as an additional measure, inclusion in the management report

Injunctions or financial penalties for anti-competitive practices imposed by the Competition Authority and prescribed by the latter, as an additional measure, inclusion in the management report

Page number


Injunctions or financial penalties for anti-competitive practices imposed by the Competition Authority and prescribed by the latter, as an additional measure, inclusion in the management report



Elements pertaining to the financial statements

  Page number Chapter
Company’s results over the past five years

Company’s results over the past five years

Page number


Company’s results over the past five years



Information on supplier and client payment terms: number and total amount of outstanding invoices received and issued

Information on supplier and client payment terms: number and total amount of outstanding invoices received and issued

Page number

250 to 252

Information on supplier and client payment terms: number and total amount of outstanding invoices received and issued



Amount of loans granted in accordance with article L. 511-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Amount of loans granted in accordance with article L. 511-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Page number


Amount of loans granted in accordance with article L. 511-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
