Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile

Note 10 Marketable securities

Marketable securities broke down as follows at December 31, 2022:

(in thousands of euros) December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
Excluding liquidity contract:

Excluding liquidity contract:

December 31, 2022


Excluding liquidity contract:

December 31, 2021


  • Treasury shares
  • Treasury shares
December 31, 2022


  • Treasury shares
December 31, 2021


Held under the liquidity contract:

Held under the liquidity contract:

December 31, 2022


Held under the liquidity contract:

December 31, 2021


  • Money UCITS funds
  • Money UCITS funds
December 31, 2022


  • Money UCITS funds
December 31, 2021


  • Treasury shares
  • Treasury shares
December 31, 2022


  • Treasury shares
December 31, 2021


Provisions for impairment:

Provisions for impairment:

December 31, 2022


Provisions for impairment:

December 31, 2021


  • Excluding liquidity contract
  • Excluding liquidity contract
December 31, 2022


  • Excluding liquidity contract
December 31, 2021


  • Held under the liquidity contract
  • Held under the liquidity contract
December 31, 2022


  • Held under the liquidity contract
December 31, 2021


Total marketable securities (net amount) Total marketable securities (net amount)December 31, 2022


Total marketable securities (net amount)December 31, 2021


The movements for the financial year and position at the reporting date for marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) are summarized in the table below:

(in thousands of euros, except for share data) Number of shares Gross book value Impairment Net book value
Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2021

Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2021

Number of shares


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2021

Gross book value


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2021



Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2021

Net book value


Disposals (exercise of options) and delivery of free shares to employees

Disposals (exercise of options) and delivery of free shares to employees

Number of shares


Disposals (exercise of options) and delivery of free shares to employees

Gross book value


Disposals (exercise of options) and delivery of free shares to employees



Disposals (exercise of options) and delivery of free shares to employees

Net book value


Share buyback

Share buyback

Number of shares


Share buyback

Gross book value


Share buyback



Share buyback

Net book value


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2022 Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2022Number of shares


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2022Gross book value


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2022Impairment


Treasury shares held as marketable securities (excluding the liquidity contract) at December 31, 2022Net book value


The liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux ended on September 9, 2022. A new contract was signed with EXANE as of September 12, 2022.

At December 31, 2022, 57,924 shares were held under this contract (compared to 53,500 at December 31, 2021).

Note 11 Deferred expenses

This line item includes costs linked with the bond issue and the arrangement of the syndicated and other credit lines, for the portion still to be amortized over the remaining period to maturity of the bonds and to expiry of the credit lines.

Deferred expenses at December 31, 2022 were composed of:

(in thousands of euros) December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
Bond issuance costs

Bond issuance costs

December 31, 2022


Bond issuance costs

December 31, 2021


Costs of arranging credit lines

Costs of arranging credit lines

December 31, 2022


Costs of arranging credit lines

December 31, 2021


Total TotalDecember 31, 2022


TotalDecember 31, 2021
