In order to manage its liquidity risk, Publicis holds a substantial amount of cash (cash and cash equivalents) for a total of euro 4,616 million as of December 31, 2022 and undrawn confirmed credit lines representing a total of euro 2,000 million as of December 31, 2022 being a multi-currency syndicated loan, maturing in 2024. This credit facility has been renewed until 2026 up to euro 1,579 million. These immediately or almost immediately available sums allow the Groupe to meet its general funding requirements.
Apart from bank overdrafts, most of the Groupe’s debt is comprised of bonds, none of which are subject to financial covenants. They only include standard credit default event clauses (liquidation, cessation of payment, default on the debt itself or on the repayment of another debt above a given threshold) which are generally applicable above a threshold of euro 25 million.
The Groupe has not established any credit derivatives to date.
/ Analysis of right-of-use assets by category of underlying assets
(in millions of euros) | Real Estate | Outdoor contracts | Other assets | Total |
Gross values at January 1, 2022 | Gross values at January 1, 2022Real Estate2,421 | Gross values at January 1, 2022Outdoor contracts64 | Gross values at January 1, 2022Other assets50 | Gross values at January 1, 2022Total2,535 |
Addition of assets(1) | Addition of assets (1)Real Estate120 |
Addition of assets (1)Outdoor contracts609 |
Addition of assets (1)Other assets14 |
Addition of assets (1)Total743 |
Terminations or end of contracts | Terminations or end of contracts Real Estate(175) |
Terminations or end of contracts Outdoor contracts(36) |
Terminations or end of contracts Other assets(15) |
Terminations or end of contracts Total(226) |
Impacts of sub-leasing(2) | Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Real Estate(482) |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Outdoor contracts- |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Other assets- |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Total(482) |
Change in scope | Change in scope Real Estate(11) |
Change in scope Outdoor contracts- |
Change in scope Other assets- |
Change in scope Total(11) |
Foreign exchange and others | Foreign exchange and others Real Estate73 |
Foreign exchange and others Outdoor contracts- |
Foreign exchange and others Other assets1 |
Foreign exchange and others Total74 |
Gross value at December 31, 2022 | Gross value at December 31, 2022Real Estate1,946 | Gross value at December 31, 2022Outdoor contracts637 | Gross value at December 31, 2022Other assets50 | Gross value at December 31, 2022Total2,633 |
Accumulated amortization at January 1, 2022 | Accumulated amortization at January 1, 2022Real Estate(972) | Accumulated amortization at January 1, 2022Outdoor contracts(48) | Accumulated amortization at January 1, 2022Other assets(26) | Accumulated amortization at January 1, 2022Total(1,046) |
Amortization & depreciation | Amortization & depreciation Real Estate(214) |
Amortization & depreciation Outdoor contracts(93) |
Amortization & depreciation Other assets(19) |
Amortization & depreciation Total(326) |
Impairment losses | Impairment losses Real Estate(46) |
Impairment losses Outdoor contracts- |
Impairment losses Other assets- |
Impairment losses Total(46) |
Terminations or end of contracts | Terminations or end of contracts Real Estate175 |
Terminations or end of contracts Outdoor contracts36 |
Terminations or end of contracts Other assets15 |
Terminations or end of contracts Total226 |
Impacts of sub-leasing(2) | Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Real Estate343 |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Outdoor contracts- |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Other assets- |
Impacts of sub-leasing (2)Total343 |
Change in scope | Change in scope Real Estate4 |
Change in scope Outdoor contracts- |
Change in scope Other assets- |
Change in scope Total4 |
Foreign exchange and others | Foreign exchange and others Real Estate(34) |
Foreign exchange and others Outdoor contracts(1) |
Foreign exchange and others Other assets- |
Foreign exchange and others Total(35) |
Accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2022 | Accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2022Real Estate(744) | Accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2022Outdoor contracts(106) | Accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2022Other assets(30) | Accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2022Total(880) |
Net value at December 31, 2022 | Net value at December 31, 2022Real Estate 1,202 |
Net value at December 31, 2022Outdoor contracts 531 |
Net value at December 31, 2022Other assets 20 |
Net value at December 31, 2022Total 1,753 |