Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile

Risk exposure

The principal risks to which the Groupe is exposed through its pension funds in the United Kingdom and the United States are as follows:

  • volatility of financial assets: the financial assets in the plans(shares, bonds, etc.) often have a return higher than the discount rate over the long term, but are more volatile in the short term, especially since they are measured at their fair value for the Groupe’s annual accounting needs. The asset allocation is determined so as to ensure the financial viability of the plan over the long term;
  • variation of bond rates: a decrease in corporate bond rates leads to an increase in obligations under the plans as recognized by the Groupe, even where this increase is partially reduced by an increase in value of the financial assets in the plans (for the portion of investment grade corporate bonds);
  • longevity: the largest part of benefits guaranteed by the plans is retirement benefits. An extended life expectancy therefore leads to an increase in these plans;
  • inflation: a significant portion of the benefits guaranteed by the pension funds in the United Kingdom is indexed to inflation. A rise in inflation leads to an increase in the obligation (even when thresholds have been set for most of them in order to protect the plan from hyper-inflation). Most of the financial assets are either not impacted by inflation or weakly correlated with inflation, therefore inferring that a rise in inflation would lead to an increase of the plan’s deficit from an accounting perspective. The American pension funds do not expose the Groupe to a significant inflation risk as the benefits are not indexed to inflation.
Actuarial gains and losses

Actuarial gains and losses reflect unforeseen increases or reductions in the present value of a defined benefit obligation or of the fair value of the corresponding plan assets. Actuarial gains and losses resulting from changes in the present value of liabilities under a defined benefit plan stem, firstly, from experience adjustments (differences between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred) and, secondly, from the effect of changes in actuarial assumptions.

Other long-term benefits

Publicis Groupe also recognizes various long-term benefits, primarily seniority payments, long-service awards, in France in particular, and certain multi-year plans for which the deferred compensation is linked to continued employment.

/ Change in the actuarial benefit obligation
  December 31, 2022  Décember  31, 2021
(in millions of euros)  Pensions plans Medical cover Total Pensions plans Medical cover Total
Opening actuarial benefit obligation (727) (21) (748) (719) (22) (741)
Cost of services rendered (27) - (27) (37) - (37)
Benefits paid 49 2 51 49 2 51
Interest expense on benefit obligation (14) - (14) (12) - (12)
Effect of remeasurement 159 6 165 32 1 33
Experience gains (losses) (17) 2 (15) 12 1 13
Gains (losses) arising from a change in economic assumptions 171 4 175 18 - 18
Gains (losses) arising from other changes in demographic assumptions 5 - 5 2 - 2
Acquisitions, disposals - - - - - -
Translation adjustments (5) (1) (6) (40) (2) (42)
Actuarial benefit obligation at year-end (565) (15) (580) (727) (21) (748)