Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile

/ Information on supplier payment terms referred to in article D. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code

  Invoices received and not settled on the reporting date that are past due
  0 days 1 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days 91 days or more Total (1 day or more)
(A) Late payment tranches
Number of invoices involved -         6
Total amount of invoices involved, inc. tax (in euros) - 33,321 5,974 6 398 39,700
Percentage of total amount of purchases, inc. tax for the year - 0.36% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.43%
(B) Invoices not included in (A) relating to bad debts and receivables or not recognized
Number of invoices not included           9
Total amount of invoices not included (in euros)           53 492
(C) Reference payment periods used (contractual or legal – article L. 441-6 or article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)
Payment terms used to calculate late payments: Contractual payment terms, namely those indicated on our purchase orders, range from cash on delivery to 60 days, in line with statutory maximums.
Information on acquisitions and disposals by the Company of its own shares

The liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux ended on September 9, 2022. A new contract was signed with EXANE as of September 12, 2022.

Under the liquidity contract, the Company acquired 4,165,911 shares in 2022 at an average price of euro 54.38, and sold 4,161,487 shares at an average price of euro 54.69.

The trading fees and other expenses incurred by the Company during 2022 for transactions executed pursuant to the share buyback program, authorized by the 20th resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 26, 2021, and then by the 17th resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 25, 2022, amounted to euro 66,693.

/ Summary table of trading by the Company in Publicis Groupe SA shares in 2022: 

  Deliveries of free share plans Deliveries of stock options Procurement (liquidity contract) Sales (liquidity contract)
At 12/31/22 Amount (in shares) Amount (in shares) Amount (in shares) Average price (in shares) Amount (in actions) Average price (in euros)
Under the 20th resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2021 1,089,222 175,876 2,193,000 56.99 2,135,000 57.41
Under the 17th resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 25, 2022   281,431 1,972,911 51.47 2,026,487 51.81
Total 1, 089,222 457,307 4,165,911 5.38 4,161,487 54.68

At December 31, 2022, Publicis Groupe SA owned 2,319,795 shares with a par value of euro 0.40, representing 0.91% of its own share capital, for an overall cost price of euro 137,795,802 and an average price per share of euro 59.40.

These shares are broken down into 57,924 shares held under the liquidity contract and 2,261,871 shares allocated to free share plans or stock options.

Allocation of 2022 net income and setting the dividend

The General Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the 2022 financial statements on May 31, 2023, will be asked to allocate distributable earnings, which consist of:

  • net income for the 2022 financial year: euro 31,184,283.42;
  • minus allocation to the statutory reserve: euro 33,978.04;
  • plus earnings brought forward at December 31, 2022: euro 5,499,373.20;
  • total of distributable earnings: euro 36,649,678.58;
  • to which is added an amount taken from conversion premiums: euro 700,854,715.42.

i.e. a total of euro 737,504,394 distributed to shareholders (based on a dividend of euro 2.90 per share and 254,311,860 shares, including treasury shares, as of December 31, 2022).