Universal Registration Document 2022

5.5 Publicis Groupe Sa (Parent Company Of The Groupe)

5 Commentary of the Financial Year

5.5 Publicis Groupe Sa (Parent Company Of The Groupe)


Operating income totaled euro 91 million in 2022, compared with euro 76 million in 2021. It includes revenue, comprised of real estate rent and fees for assistance services contracted by Groupe subsidiaries, totaling euro 24 million (compared with euro 29 million in 2021) and rebillings and other income totaling euro 67 million (compared with euro 48 million in 2021), most of these items have no impact on the Company’s income, as they have an offsetting entry in operating expenses.

 Operating expenses for the financial year amounted to euro 87 million in 2022 compared with euro 69 million the previous year.

Financial income amounted to euro 95 million at December 31, 2022 compared to euro 106 million the previous year. This decrease is mainly due to the decrease in dividends received in 2022 (- euro 10 million) compared to the previous financial year.

Financial expenses totaled euro 69 million in 2022, compared with euro 73 million the previous year. The decrease is mainly due to the repayment of the 2021 Eurobond in December 2021, which therefore no longer generates a financial cost in 2022, and whose impact was partially offset by the increase in the interest expense relating to the Groupe’s cash pool.

Pre-tax profit was a positive euro 29 million in 2022, compared with a positive euro 41 million the previous financial year.

Exceptional items generated a loss of euro 4 million. There were no exceptional items in financial year 2021.

After inclusion of a euro 6 million net tax gain, comparable to that of 2021, resulting from tax consolidation in France, the net income of Publicis Groupe, the Groupe’s parent Company, was profit of euro 31 million at December 31, 2022 compared to euro 47 million at December 31, 2021.

/ Information on client payment terms referred to in article D. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code

  Invoices issued and not settled on the reporting date that are past due
  0 days 1 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days 91 days or more Total (1 day or more)
(A) Late payment tranches
Number of invoices involved -   17
Total amount of invoices involved, inc. tax (in euros) - 202,349 19,237 19,237 87,776 328,598
Percentage of revenue, inc. tax, for the financial year - 0.22 % 0.02 % 0.02 % 0.10 % 0.36 %
(B) Invoices not included in (A) relating to bad debts and receivables or not recognized
Number of invoices not included           -
Amount of invoices not included (in euros)           -
(C) Reference payment periods used (contractual or legal – article L. 441-6 or article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)
Payment terms used to calculate late payments: Contractual deadlines shown on our invoices