- Transport and distribution: not relevant with regard to the intellectual services activity. As an intellectual services Company, downstream transportation and distribution are not considered relevant, as there is no physical movement of materials as is the case in a manufacturing process.
- Processing of products and services sold: not relevant to the intellectual services business.
- Use of products and services sold: we work with our clients and partners to develop measurement methods through the use of A.L.I.C.E., the carbon calculator that applies to all of the Groupe’s activities. These calculations are useful in particular for production or media activities that are part of clients’ scope 3. The Groupe is active in industry work that will align all players behind a common and unilateral measurement method.
- End-of-life of products and services sold: not relevant with regard to intellectual services activities.
- Downstream leased assets: The Groupe has no assets leased to other entities, as would be the case in this category.
- Franchises: not relevant to the Company’s activity
- Investments: This category includes the scopes 1 and 2 emissions of a few entities in which Publicis Groupe holds less than 50%, for a total of around 500 TeqCO2. Other investments are already included in scope 1+2 emissions.
In addition,
- water consumption is estimated at 522,459 m3 –approximately 5.40 m3 per capita. Agencies rent premises in serviced buildings which include local water supplies. The main improvements concern washroom facilities (sensors) and prompt response once a water leak is detected. Water is supplied from municipal distribution systems or private operators, under long-term contracts with the managers of the buildings. The aim is to reduce water consumption in all agencies.
Additional point :
- concerning the circular economy, for more than a decade now agencies have been voluntarily committed to promoting documents from recycled paper, plastic, fabric and other materials for paper publications or regular and one-time events, by working with suppliers who guarantee these recycled raw materials (see the example of Publicis Live through its Sustainability Guidelines shared with suppliers involved in various events).
Protection of biodiversity
The protection of biodiversity is approached locally, depending on the immediate environment of each agency and its actual capacity for influence and action. In France, the Groupe continued to install several beehives on the roofs of three of its buildings in Paris, including the Champs-Élysées, Bastille and Gambetta. Employees are trained each year to support the care of the beehives. In addition to supporting the French beekeeping sector, a partnership has been established with the Apiflordev association, which fights against poverty in Africa: 100% of the honey from Parisian beehives is used to finance the installation of beehives in Togo (canton of Tado) which are then entrusted to a community of women.
In Costa Rica, Re:Sources is continuing its plan involving employees in a carbon offsetting program designed to promote local biodiversity by preserving tropical flora and fauna in protected forests.
Nature protection is the subject of pro bono campaigns or volunteer activities in favor of environmental associations and the defense of natural resources and biodiversity (plant and animal) in many countries.