In 2022, the pre-eminence of climate-related issues and the absolute necessity to profoundly and quickly transform economies, companies and civil societies was confirmed. The better understanding of these issues has not yet translated into sufficiently concrete actions.
With offices in London, New York, Los Angeles and Sydney, Salterbaxter is a firm renowned in its field, with ESG expertise combining technical know-how integrating the complexity of the challenges to be faced and putting creativity to work. The objective is to inspire and initiate changes that enable everyone to be a part of the solution.
With Progress Point, Salterbaxter has the first relevant analysis tool for those working on these issues in order to easily identify existing or future performance levers, draw a roadmap and allocate the necessary resources to action priorities. This tool was developed in 2021 with the World Benchmarking Alliance which monitors more than 2,000 companies to help them achieve the SDGs. The Salterbaxter Progress Framework, which includes many indicators such as non-financial performance, proactivity on current challenges and reputation, allowing each Company to express its specificities.
Salterbaxter is the creator of the Innovation Day, the agency’s annual day dedicated to supporting social entrepreneurs. In 2022, for the 10th edition, around ten social entrepreneurs were supported, with the help of 65 volunteers from the 13 Publicis UK agencies. During this decade, 95 entrepreneurs were supported by this system.
Janus is the Groupe’s Code of Ethics and applies to all managers and their teams. It consists of a code of conduct and detailed operating rules. The code of conduct applies to all employees (see Section 3.1.7 of this document). In 2022, 85% of the Groupe’s workforce has received training in the Janus Code and its contents. Training on the Janus Code of Ethics takes various forms: online training in Marcel, awareness-raising sessions during programs for new employees, and more specific internal sessions for the most exposed positions. In the induction programs, Janus is explained as part of the presentation of the Groupe and its activities. The key principles are detailed in particular regarding the standards of behavior of managers and teams, and the rules of operation to comply with fair practices. One of these elements is the “Zero Tolerance” principle in terms of discrimination, harassment, and violence at work, rules regarding conflicts of interest, fraud, prevention and combating of corruption, data protection, key points of the HR policy, and a reminder of the major principles adhered to by the Groupe, such as the United Nations Global Compact.