3) France
In 2022, Publicis France, with the support of the independent firm indépendant, is the first French communication Groupe to be part of an approach to assess its social footprint on the five pillars of:
- Social diversity and diversity of origins. With the Publicis Track program, a concrete program to promote equal opportunities, which allows young students from priority areas of the city to join our agencies for quality internships. 90 BTS Communication students joined 18 of our agencies for seven-week internships. Five masterclasses were held in partner high schools in 2022. A partnership is underway with another public high school in the Paris region.
- At the same time, several mentoring initiatives for these young people took place with the Telemaque association (commitment over three years); with the Skills association (with four other companies) in the Tech/Data and digital professions; with Sciences Po as part of a Priority Education Agreement. The Groupe is still active in the PAQTE government program in favor of equal opportunities through actions to support young people and participates in discussions on Inclusion led by the Ministry of Education.
- The collective agreement in favor of gender equality continued to apply in 2022. It provides inter alia for the granting of financial assistance from the birth of the child until his or her third birthday, as well as the maintenance of full compensation during the entire maternity, paternity and childcare leave. This revised agreement also provides for the extension of the scope of this leave to the spouse, civil union (PACS) partner or the biological father’s partner. 12 agencies responded to the Gender Equality Index, the general objective remains 95/100.
- Publicis France is an active member of OneInThreeWomen bringing together companies committed to the fight against violence against women/domestic violence; and is also a member of StOpE sexism.
- Training actions continued with WeCare, in order to fight against discrimination and all forms of harassment, with 45 correspondent employees spread across the agencies, dedicated sessions for managers and an internal and external listening and reporting system.
- The Handicap mission was strengthened, with 22 disability officers and their training by TH Conseil. The Disability Agreement was signed in December 2022 and approved by the DRIEEST in mid-January 2023. Efforts focused on recruiting participants in three Disability Talent fairs dedicated to the Tech & Digital sectors. Several events took place during the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH). The IT teams entrusted the reconditioning of its used IT equipment to the adapted company AFB Social & Green IT. Lastly, Publicis France is a member of the Cercle des Équitables.
- The percentage of people with disabilities is 1.47% in France.
- In favor of the LGBTQI+ community, we are a partner of TETU Connect, the first Think Tank bringing together all players who can promote inclusion in the professional world, which led to the organization of three internal conferences. An internal exhibition “Ma Plus Grande Fierté” was organized with the support of Prodigious.
- In France, the Groupe is continuing its long-standing partnerships with several organizations bringing significant help to young people considered far from large companies: Origami, C’Possible, article 1, Job Ready, Simplon, Nos Quartiers ont des Talents, Baissez les barrières, Jeunesse et entreprises, Prométhée Éducation, etc. With regard to the allocation of the apprenticeship tax, the Groupe maintains diversity among its priority criteria (courses, job profiles, etc.).
- The Groupe remains active with the Alliance pour la Jeunesse (All4Youth) founded by Nestlé. In 2022, actions focused on the climate responsibility of tech players. The young participants in the program worked together on social, managerial, technological and limited-impact innovations that they wanted to see implemented for a more efficient and more respectful world. The Vet Week organized in Brussels allowed a restitution in front of the European Parliament.
4) United Kingdom
The topics of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion are strategic for Publicis UK and influence many aspects of the teams’ work, with the ambition that the employer brand will reflect this commitment during the year 2022. Publicis UK received the Advertising Association DEI Charter award, illustrating the progress made in recent years.