89%of employees were trained in 2022
This map represents the worldwide talent pool, which consisted of 98,022 employees at December 31, 2022, of whom 51.3% were women and 48.7% men.
North America
Total: 29,574
Latin America
Total: 8,392
Middle East/Africa
Total: 3,557
Asia Pacific
Total: 32,195
Total: 24,304
Client management: 23.3%, including 40.3% women and 59.7% men
Engineering: 17.8%, including 24.5% women and 75.5% men
Media: 12.7%, including 55.9% women and 44.1% men
Creative: 12.0%, of which 47.1% women and 52.9% men
Support functions: 11.9%, including 66.6% women and 33.4% men
Data & Tech: 8.8%, including 39.5% women and 60.5% men
Production: 4.6%, of which 49.0% women and 51.0% men
Strategy: 4.1%, including 59.5% women and 40.5% men
Consulting: 4.0%, including 43.6% women and 56.4% men
General Management: 0.8%, including 40.3% women and 59.7% men
Healthcare: 0.2%, including 70.7% women and 29.3% men
89%of employees were trained in 2022
21 h per capita
To the Supervisory Board
Among the key leaders
Women senior position
(*) Excluding member of the Supervisory Board representing employees