Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile


    Level of achievement of the Performance Acquisition scale (straight-line between the Threshold and the Maximum)
Performance criteria Weight Threshold* Target Maximum Threshold* Target Maximum
Organic growth of the Groupe’s revenue 40%            
  • Organic growth of the Groupe’s revenue based on the Objective validated by the Supervisory Board in March 2023
  Objective -x bp(1) Objective Objective +y bp(1) 80% 100% 150%
Operating margin  40%            
  • Groupe Operating Margin based on the Objective approved by the Supervisory Board in March 2023
  Objective -x' bp(1) Objective Objective +y' bp(1) 80% 100% 150%
CSR – the assessment of the progress of the CSR policy is carried out with regard to the following priorities: 20%            
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:the trajectory aims for 45% women among key executives in 2025 with an indicative checkpoint of 43% at the end of 2023
10% Objectives 2023 Objectives 2023 Objectives 2024 100% 100% 150%
  • Combating climate change:the trajectory aims for 100% of energy from direct renewable sources by 2030 with an indicative checkpoint of around 50% at the end of 2023
10% Objectives 2023 Objectives 2023 Objectives 2024 100% 100% 150%
TOTAL 100%     TOTAL 84% 100% 150%

(*) If the threshold is not reached, the applicable portion of variable compensation is reduced to zero.

(1) Strategic and confidential information that may not be disclosed. For organic growth and operating margin, the thresholds and targets are aligned with the guidance issued on February 2, 2023.

Long-term variable share-based compensation

The Chairman of the Management Board receives annual variable share based compensation subject to the achievement of the objectives set as follows.

Publicis Groupe decided to set up a share plan each year for management and certain key employees of the Groupe. As Chairman of the Management Board, Arthur Sadoun is eligible for this plan since 2021. Under the “LTIP 2021 Directoire”, the number of shares that may be delivered at the end of a three-year vesting period (except in the event of death or disability), i.e. March 2024, will depend – for 90% of the shares awarded – on Publicis Groupe’s average financial performance over a three-year period (2021-2023), as compared with the financial performance of a peer Groupe comprising WPP, Omnicom, IPG and Publicis Groupe, plus two conditions relating to Corporate Social Responsibility for 10% of the shares awarded.

From 2022, the number of shares that may be delivered at the end of a three-year vesting period (except in the event of death or disability), i.e. in March and May 2025 under the “LTIP 2022 Président du Directoire” and in 2026 under the “LTIP 2023 Président du Directoire”, will depend on:

  • for 35% of the shares granted, the organic growth compared to a peer Groupe composed of Publicis Groupe and the other three main global communications Groupes, namely WPP, Omnicom and IPG over a three-year period (2022-2024 under the “LTIP 2022 Président du Directoire” and 2023-2025 under the “LTIP 2023 Président du Directoire”);
  • for 35% of the shares granted, the operating margin compared to a peer Groupe composed of Publicis Groupe and the other three main global communications Groupes, namely WPP, Omnicom and IPG, over a three-year period (2022-2024 under the “LTIP 2022 Président du Directoire” and 2023-2025 under the “LTIP 2023 Président du Directoire”);
  • for 15% of the shares granted, the TSR (Total Shareholder Return) compared to the median of the CAC 40 over a three-year period (2022-2024 under the “LTIP 2022 Président du Directoire” and 2023-2025 under the “LTIP 2023 Président du Directoire”);
  • for 15% of the shares granted, conditions related to Corporate Social Responsibility.