Universal Registration Document 2022

Groupe Profile

Mandatory holding

The Supervisory Board has decided that, in addition to plan-specific rules, members of the Management Board must maintain ownership of at least 20% of the shares they were awarded, in registered form, throughout their terms of office. In addition, in accordance with the Afep-Medef Corporate Governance Code, members of the Management Board undertake not to use hedging instruments on shares to be received or shares received but which are non-transferable.

Stock option plan

The Management Board reserves the right to grant stock options.

In this case, stock options would be subject to at least two performance conditions and measured over three years. The subscription or purchase price of the shares would not be lower than the average of the opening prices of Publicis Groupe shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris over the 20 trading days preceding the date on which the options are granted, rounded down to the nearest euro, nor, for stock purchase options, the average purchase price of the Company’s treasury shares, rounded down to the nearest euro.

These awards are limited to 0.3% of the Company’s share capital, a ceiling that also applies to performance shares.

The Groupe has not granted any stock options since 2013. For information, in accordance with the compensation policy applicable to the Chairman and members of the Management Board for 2023, no stock options will be granted to them in 2023.

Peripheral elements
Collective health and welfare insurance and pension plans

Members of the Management Board may benefit from collective health and welfare insurance plans based on applicable local regulations.

Members of the Management Board in France who are subject to an employment contract and are covered by the French social security system may benefit from these plans under the same conditions as employees in France.

Unemployment insurance for corporate officers

Private insurance coverage under the French plan was offered to the members of the Management Board who cannot benefit from the compulsory unemployment insurance for employees.

Severance payment

The members of the Management Board may be entitled to severance payment in case of imposed departure, granted in accordance with current law and the Afep-Medef Corporate Governance Code. In accordance with said code, the cumulative amount of the severance payment and non-compete compensation may not exceed 24 months of total compensation (annual fixed and variable compensation).

Detailed elements of severance payments are explained in Section for the Chairman of the Management Board and Sections and for the other members of the Management Board.

Non-compete agreement

The members of the Management Board may be bound by a non-compete agreement and, in consideration, benefit from non-compete compensation in accordance with current legislation and the Afep-Medef Corporate Governance Code. The Supervisory Board reserves the right to forgo this commitment. In accordance with said code, the cumulative amount of the severance payment and non-compete compensation may not exceed twenty-four months of total compensation (annual fixed and variable compensation). It should also be recalled that, in accordance with article R. 22-10-18, III of the French Commercial Code, the payment does not apply when the interested party is retiring.

Other benefits

The members of the Management Board may receive benefits depending on local compensation regulations and practices, such as the provision of a Company car or the payment of a taxi service subscription.

Detailed quantified elements of the compensation policy are explained in Section for the Chairman of the Management Board and in Sections and for the other members of the Management Board.