Born on May 17, 1958, of Italian nationality
First appointment: May 29, 2019
Expiry of term of office: 2023 Annual Ordinary General
Shareholders’ Meeting Number of shares held: 500
Reithlegasse 61190 Vienna Austria
Antonella Mei-Pochtler is a seasoned executive with many years of experience in the mass market consumer goods, media and technology sectors. She held a number of management positions at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Europe and worldwide with a focus on digital transformation, strategy and organizations. Named amongst the top 25 consultants worldwide by Consulting magazine, she won the Women Leaders in Consulting Lifetime Achievement award in 2013. She is involved in a range of social causes and activities, particularly regarding equity in education. She sits on various international Boards, as Vice-Chair of the Board of Westwing AG, member of the Boards of Generali Group, ProSieben Group and SIPRA SA. She is involved in the global education network Teach for All and is a co-founder of the BCG education project, Business@School, which won her the German President’s Freedom and Responsibility Award in 2002. She created the Brand Club, a platform for CEOs of international brands and media companies in Germany. She is currently the head of ThinkAustria, the Austrian government’s think tank and strategic planning unit, and is a special advisor to the Austrian Federal Chancellor.
Offices listed above as well as the following office: