Universal Registration Document 2021

10.4 First quarter 2022 financial information

Chapter 10. Additional information

10.4 First quarter 2022 financial information

10.4.1 Net revenue in Q1 2022

The Groupe published its first quarter revenue on April 14, 2022.

Publicis Groupe’s net revenue in Q1 2022 was euro 2,800 million, up 17.1% from euro 2,392 million in 2021. Exchange rates had a positive impact of euro 125 million Acquisitions, net of disposals, accounted for an increase in net revenue of euro 19 million. Organic growth reached +10.5%.

/ Breakdown of Q1 2022 Net revenue by region
  Net revenue    
EUR million Q1 2022 Q1 2021 Reported Growth Organic Growth
North America 1,748 1,505 +16.1% +8.1%
Europe 662 561 +18.0% +14.9%
Asia Pacific 261 217 +20.3% +14.4%
Middle East & Africa 75 62 +21.0% +13.4%
Latin America 54 47 +14.9% +13.1%
Total 2,800 2,392 +17.1% +10.5%

North America net revenue was up +16.1% on a reported basis in Q1 2022, including a positive impact of the US dollar to Euro exchange rate. Organic growth in the region was +8.1%. In the U.S., organic growth came at +8.0%, confirming the country’s strong dynamic in all its activities. Publicis Sapient grew +16.3% organically, as the demand for business transformation continued to accelerate. Media posted double-digit organic increase, while Creative activities saw their net revenue grow mid-single digit, with notably strong Production. Epsilon grew +6.3% organically, absorbing the anticipated impact of supply chain issues that affected its Automotive division, thanks to double-digit growth in digital media and data. Canada was up +11.7% organically.

Net revenue in Europe was up by +18.0% on a reported basis. It was up by +9.4% on an organic basis, or +14.9% including the contribution of our Outdoor Media activities & the Drugstore. Organic growth in the U.K. was +12.0%, with a notable double-digit growth in Media and strong performance from Publicis Sapient, both driven by recent new business wins. Organic growth in France stood at +12.3% excluding outdoor advertising in transport and Drugstore. It includes very strong growth in Media and at Publicis Sapient. Germany was up +1.2% organically, versus a +6.0% comparable base in the same period last year. Central & Eastern Europe was up +14.9% organically, with double-digit growth in Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Net revenue in Asia Pacific was +20.3% on a reported basis, and +14.4% organically. China grew double-digit organically again this quarter, at +10.6%, supported by new business wins. Organic growth was also above 10% in India and Singapore. It should also be noted that Thailand performed well, largely driven by Publicis Sapient.

In Middle East & Africa, net revenue was up +21.0% on a reported basis, and +13.4% organically. Organic growth was largely driven by Media, Publicis Sapient in the Middle-East and Creative in Africa.

Net revenue in Latin America was up +14.9% on a reported basis, and +13.1%. organically, with most countries reporting growth this quarter, largely driven by Creative.

10.4.2 Net Debt and liquidity

Net debt totaled euro 718 million at the end of March 2022, compared with euro 76 million at year-end 2021, reflecting the seasonality in the activity. The Groupe’s average net debt on a 12-month basis stood at euro 1,277 million at the end of March 2022. The Groupe’s liquidity position remains very solid, at euro 5.0 billion.