Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 8. Company information and capital structure

8.4.3 Securities market

The following information regarding the shares and financial instruments comes from the Euronext and Bloomberg websites.

Publicis Groupe shares
  • listed on: Euronext Paris (ISIN code: FR0000130577);
  • first day listed: June 9, 1970;
  • shares traded on Euronext Paris: all shares in the share capital.

On December 27, 2007, Publicis Groupe SA was informed that Publicis Groupe SA shares were now no longer listed on the New York Stock Exchange.  This delisting followed the Company’s notification on September 17, 2007 to the US market authorities that it no longer wanted Publicis Groupe SA shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange (listed in the form of American Depositary Receipts; ratio: one ADR for every one Publicis share), with average annual trading volumes rarely exceeding 1% of all shares in the share capital.

By default, the share can be traded on the New York Stock Exchange OTCQX market as an American Depositary Receipt; ratio: 4 ADRs for one Publicis share (ticker: PUBGY). The OTCQX platform is an information tool that provides access to US investors, while guaranteeing price transparency.

Changes in the trading price on Euronext Paris during 2021:

  • high: euro 61.52 on November 22;
  • low: euro 40.44 on January 28;
  • average: euro 53.7727 (based on closing prices).
/ Trading volume and Company share price over the last 18 months on Euronext Paris
      Average volumes traded per session(1)

Monthly price (in euros)

Period   Number of trading sessions Number of shares Share Capital (in thousands of euros) First listing Last listing Highest Lowest
2020 October  22 1,132,543 34,170 27.70 29.80 32.45 26.93
  November 21 1,112,042 40,133 29.86 38.09 39.58 29.37
  December 22 880,902 35,694 38.25 40.76 42.63 37.94
2021 January 20 925,582 39,736 41.20 42.76 46.20 40.44
  February 20 798,663 37,487 43.06 48.54 49.36 42.59
  March 23 989,452 50,149 49.00 52.04 53.68 48.02
  April 20 675,013 36,023 52.14 53.86 55.66 50.92
  May 21 552,726 30,498 53.94 55.50 56.58 53.40
  June 22 536,330 29,569 55.62 53.94 57.16 53.24
  July 22 626,310 33,623 54.38 53.22 56.50 50.04
  August 22 394,296 21,476 53.48 55.52 56.10 52.34
  September 22 499,067 28,339 55.94 58.26 58.98 54.18
  October 21 689,058 39,599 57.24 57.94 59.40 55.72
  November 22 689,359 40,610 57.86 57.14 61.52 56.60
  December 23 572,855 33,037 57.50 59.20 59.98 55.24
2022 January 21 578,771 34,688 59.24 59.70 62.58 56.78
  February 20 824,713 51,445 59.98 59.64 66.86 58.24
  March 23 1,189,947 65,838 59.66 55.26 60.24 47.25

(1) Volumes traded on Euronext (excluding alternative platforms).