Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 8. Company information and capital structure

/ Table of delegations of authority and authorizations granted to the Management Board regarding financial matters


Type of delegation or authorization Date of the meeting Duration of the authorization / Expiry Amount authorized Used in 2021
Share buybacks Share buybacks

Date of the meeting


Share buybacks

Duration of the authorization / Expiry


Share buybacks

Amount authorized


Share buybacks

Used in 2021


Authorization to trade in the Company’s shares Authorization to trade in the Company’s shares

Date of the meeting

May 26, 2021 (20th resolution)

Authorization to trade in the Company’s shares

Duration of the authorization / Expiry

18 months/ November 26, 2022**

Authorization to trade in the Company’s shares

Amount authorized

No more than 10% of the share capital Maximum overall budget: euro 2,106,036,823 Maximum unit purchase price: euro 85

Authorization to trade in the Company’s shares

Used in 2021

see details in Section 8.3.3

Cancellation of shares Cancellation of shares

Date of the meeting


Cancellation of shares

Duration of the authorization / Expiry


Cancellation of shares

Amount authorized


Cancellation of shares

Used in 2021


Authorization to reduce share capital through the cancellation of treasury shares

Authorization to reduce share capital through the cancellation of treasury shares

Date of the meeting

May 26, 2021 (Resolution 21)

Authorization to reduce share capital through the cancellation of treasury shares

Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 26, 2023

Authorization to reduce share capital through the cancellation of treasury shares

Amount authorized

No more than 10% of capital per 24-month period

Authorization to reduce share capital through the cancellation of treasury shares

Used in 2021


Equity issues Equity issues

Date of the meeting


Equity issues

Duration of the authorization / Expiry


Equity issues

Amount authorized


Equity issues

Used in 2021


Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, with preferential subscription rights*

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, with preferential subscription rights


Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (21st resolution)

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, with preferential subscription rights


Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, with preferential subscription rights


Amount authorized

Maximum par value: euro 30,000,000(1)
Maximum par value of debt securities: euro 1,200,000,000(2)

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, with preferential subscription rights


Used in 2021


Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity  securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings other than those made pursuant to article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code*

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity  securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings other than those made pursuant to article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (22nd resolution)

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity  securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings other than those made pursuant to article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity  securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings other than those made pursuant to article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Amount authorized

Maximum par value: euro


Maximum par value of debt securities: euro


Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity  securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings other than those made pursuant to article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Used in 2021


Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings made pursuant to paragraph I of article L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code*

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings made pursuant to paragraph I of article L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (23rd resolution)

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings made pursuant to paragraph I of article L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings made pursuant to paragraph I of article L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Amount authorized

No more than 20% of the share capital per year Maximum par value: euro 9,000,000(1)(3)

Maximum par value of debt securities: euro 1,200,000,000(2)

Delegation to increase share capital by issuing shares or equity securities giving access to the capital, without preferential subscription rights, through public offerings made pursuant to paragraph I of article L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code


Used in 2021


Delegation to increase the number of securities to be issued in the event of a  capital increase decided pursuant to the 21st to 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 27, 2020*

Delegation to increase the number of securities to be issued in the event of a  capital increase decided pursuant to the 21st to 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (24th resolution)

Delegation to increase the number of securities to be issued in the event of a  capital increase decided pursuant to the 21st to 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to increase the number of securities to be issued in the event of a  capital increase decided pursuant to the 21st to 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Amount authorized

Up to a limit of


of the initial issue and at the same price as this issue

Delegation to increase the number of securities to be issued in the event of a  capital increase decided pursuant to the 21st to 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Used in 2021


Authorization to set the issue price of equity securities issued without preferential subscription rights, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 27, 2020*

Authorization to set the issue price of equity securities issued without preferential subscription rights, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (25th resolution)

Authorization to set the issue price of equity securities issued without preferential subscription rights, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Authorization to set the issue price of equity securities issued without preferential subscription rights, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Amount authorized

No more than 10% of the share capital per year

Authorization to set the issue price of equity securities issued without preferential subscription rights, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 27, 2020*

Used in 2021


Delegation to increase the share capital by incorporating reserves, earnings, premiums or other sums

Delegation to increase the share capital by incorporating reserves, earnings, premiums or other sums

Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (26th resolution)

Delegation to increase the share capital by incorporating reserves, earnings, premiums or other sums

Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to increase the share capital by incorporating reserves, earnings, premiums or other sums

Amount authorized

Maximum par value: euro


Delegation to increase the share capital by incorporating reserves, earnings, premiums or other sums

Used in 2021


Delegation to issue shares or other securities, without preferential subscription rights, in the event of a public offering initiated by the Company, within the limit of 10% of the share capital per year*

Delegation to issue shares or other securities, without preferential subscription rights, in the event of a public offering initiated by the Company, within the limit of 10% of the share capital per year


Date of the meeting

May 27, 2020 (27th resolution)

Delegation to issue shares or other securities, without preferential subscription rights, in the event of a public offering initiated by the Company, within the limit of 10% of the share capital per year


Duration of the authorization / Expiry

26 months/ July 27, 2022**

Delegation to issue shares or other securities, without preferential subscription rights, in the event of a public offering initiated by the Company, within the limit of 10% of the share capital per year


Amount authorized

Maximum par value: euro 9,000,000(1)(3)  Maximum par value of debt securities: euro 1,200,000,000(2)

Delegation to issue shares or other securities, without preferential subscription rights, in the event of a public offering initiated by the Company, within the limit of 10% of the share capital per year


Used in 2021
